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Application requirements and colleges for studying fine arts in the United States | Colleges for studying abroad in the United States

U.S. Schools2022.07.14

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As a major country for studying abroad, the United States is the first choice for many domestic students and parents. Entering the United States to receive education has become the first choice for international students.Application requirements and institutions for studying fine arts in the United StatesU.S. Schools, ,Recommended U.S. Junior High Schools, ,How to choose a major in an American university, ,How much does it cost to study in the United States?The problem.


Application requirements and colleges for studying fine arts in the United States

Application requirements and colleges for studying fine arts in the United States

1. Application requirements for fine arts majors in the United States

1. Language requirements:

When admitting students to art schools in the United States, students are required to have excellent academic performance during their studies and to take the corresponding standard exams: TOEFL and SAT are required for undergraduate applications, TOEFL is required for master's applications, and some schools also require submission of GRE scores. For art schools, it is necessary to strengthen English learning while learning the major well. Taking IELTS or TOEFL test training in advance and obtaining language scores that meet the requirements as soon as possible is one of the guarantees for a successful application.

2. Application materials:

You need to submit 1-2 recommendation letters, personal statement, language scores, graduation certificate and other application materials.

3. Portfolio requirements:

Compared with language requirements, American schools pay more attention to the personal works of art students. When preparing a portfolio for art majors abroad, students need to describe each creative step in words and pictures. When submitting a portfolio to American schools, students need to explain their creative intentions from the perspectives of theme, production process, first draft, semi-finished products, materials, cutting, etc. In short, schools will measure the quality of students from all aspects of their works.

2. Branches of Fine Arts Majors in the United States

1. Fashion design: Fashion design is a general term. According to different work contents and natures, it can be divided into fashion modeling design, structural design, and process design. Fashion design belongs to the category of arts and crafts. It is an art form that combines practicality and artistry. Fashion design students will learn how to use illustrations and catwalks to express design emotions and concepts.

2. Graphic design: Graphic design generally refers to artistic and professional work that uses "visual" as a means of communication and expression, creating and combining symbols, pictures and text in a variety of ways to create visual expressions used to convey ideas or messages. Graphic designers may use professional skills in typography, visual arts, layout, etc. to achieve the purpose of their creative plans.

3. Interior design: Interior design studies all aspects of the architectural environment: scale, proportion, arrangement, lighting, acoustics, texture, color, and materials. It is a systematic process. Interior designers also need to consider how to balance customer needs and available resources.

4. Industrial Design: Industrial design refers to the basic ability to apply the principles and rules of modeling design to deal with the relationship between the shape and color, form and appearance, structure and function, structure and material, shape and process, product and people, product and environment, and market of various products by learning the basic theories and knowledge of industrial design, and to unify these relationships in the product modeling design.

5. Architectural design: Architectural design refers to the process before a building is built. Designers, in accordance with the construction task, prepare a comprehensive idea of the problems that may exist or may occur during the construction and use process, and formulate solutions and plans to solve these problems, and express them in drawings and documents. It serves as a common basis for material preparation, construction organization work, and the cooperation of various types of work in production and construction. It is convenient for the entire project to proceed smoothly within the predetermined investment limit, in accordance with the carefully considered predetermined plan, in a unified pace, and to ensure that the completed buildings fully meet the various requirements expected by users and society.

6. Garden design: Garden design is the process of creating a beautiful natural environment and living and recreational space within a certain geographical area by using garden art and engineering technology to transform the terrain or further build mountains, stack stones, manage water, plant trees, flowers and plants, construct buildings and arrange garden paths.

3. Recommended Fine Arts Schools in the United States

1. Rhode Island School of Design

The Rhode Island School of Design in the United States is a world-class design school that integrates art and design disciplines. Founded in 1877, it has a long history of nearly 140 years. All majors of the Rhode Island School of Design are at the forefront of the field, especially industrial design, graphic design, illustration, and photography. RISD ranked 4th in the 2020 USNews&World Report's ranking of art schools.

2. Art Center College of Design

Art Center College of Design is an art college based on modern design and closely related to the art and design industry. Art Center is committed to cultivating workers and artists who take visual arts as their profession. The university is currently the most authoritative college in the United States in terms of design. Its automotive and transportation design department, digital design major, illustration department, graphic design department, entertainment design department, etc. are all world-class.

3. Yale University School of Art

The Yale School of Art is affiliated with the "Ivy League" Yale University. In the mid-twentieth century, Yale University pioneered the inclusion of painting, sculpture, photography, design, and new media art into undergraduate and graduate courses, and has become a leader in this area. The Yale School of Art is committed to integrating ideas and creation, allowing aspiring artists to utilize the excellent resources of other disciplines at Yale, thus attracting talented young people from all over the world.

Further reading: Guide to applying for university dormitories in the United States

1. Application for accommodation at American universities

After confirming the school and paying the deposit, students will receive an email from the school 2-3 working days later. The email will clearly guide students on how to proceed with the next step, including the application for school dormitories. Please note that even if there is no clear deadline for American university dormitories, you should still apply as early as possible. Most schools adopt the first come, first serve system, that is, the earlier you arrive, the earlier you get.

The application for American university dormitories is usually done in the admission status checking system or another new system. The dormitory application needs to fill in the following parts:

(1) Personal Information

Student information, emergency contact information, US contact information, etc.

(2) Accommodation Contract/Agreement

A long article mainly about the requirements, regulations, conditions, etc. for on-campus accommodation

(3)Housing Information

The information of all dormitories on campus is introduced and limited, divided by grade, gender, etc. It is further divided into room type (apartment or dormitory, multi-person room), floor, facilities, study area, etc. Students can refer to the above to choose the dormitory they want and arrange it according to their preference.

(4) Meal Plan

Students who live on campus are generally required to choose meal packages. They are generally divided into fixed meals and non-fixed meals. Fixed meals are relatively cheap and are usually in the form of buffets; non-fixed meals are more optional but more expensive. Applicants can also choose between fixed meals and non-fixed meals.

(5) Personal Survey (Profile)

The main purpose is to match the right roommates based on the type of applicants. Survey content: present corresponding questions around the applicants' interests, hobbies, living habits, study habits, etc.

(6) Choose a roommate

There are two types: known and unknown. If it is a known roommate, you can fill in the other party's personal information in the roommate selection section and pass the verification. If it is an unknown roommate, the roommate will be matched by the system according to the above point 5 (Profile). The higher the degree of fit, the more likely it is to become a future roommate. The roommates automatically presented by the system also include their personal information. Therefore, applicants can check the other party's information and request the other party to add themselves as each other's roommate.

(7)Housing Deposit

If you are required to pay a deposit in advance, then this fee is only a prepaid deposit rather than the full accommodation fee, which usually ranges from $300 to $500. Some universities require the full accommodation fee to be paid before going to the United States, while others require it to be paid after admission.

(8) Application successful

After the application is completed, the final confirmation page will appear, which may remind you of the dormitory allocation time and opening hours. It is recommended to save it for future reference.

2. Dormitory Costs at American Universities

The better the conditions and the more complete the facilities, the higher the price will naturally be.

General dormitory building: $10000-$15000/year

Apartment (suite): $15000-$20000/year

3. Accommodation Information for American Universities

(1) Application Deadline

Some schools have limited accommodation places, and cannot guarantee that all students who apply for accommodation will be approved. Most schools implement a "first come, first served" principle for accommodation places. Therefore, the earlier you apply for accommodation, the greater the chance of being assigned to your favorite dormitory.

(2) Dormitory Allocation

Dormitory and roommate assignments are usually notified to students via email, so students can learn about them in advance and get in touch with their future roommates.

(3) Dormitory opening hours

You can check it through emails, important dates, orientation, etc. If you arrive on campus before the dormitory opens, you will need to confirm temporary accommodation (or hotel) in advance and you will not be able to move into the dormitory until the dormitory opens.

(4) Management personnel

Accommodation is managed by a dedicated dormitory manager, so if you have any questions or needs regarding the dormitory, you can seek help from the dormitory manager.

(5) Special attention

The dormitory rules and regulations should never be violated lightly. For example, smoking is not allowed in non-smoking areas. Once caught, you will be given a warning.

If there is a separate kitchen in the room, it is recommended not to cook dishes that produce too much smoke. Although there is a range hood, if the smoke is too heavy, it may cause the alarm to sound and disrupt collective order.

If your roommate is a foreigner, try to do two things:

Seek common ground while reserving differences. Respect the other party's customs and ideas, and maintain privacy after getting to know each other.

Keep yourself clean. Do not eat or use other people's things, especially do not say or make jokes.

Further reading: Things to note when studying in the United States

1. Respect others

Racial discrimination is a very serious accusation overseas. Some international students may offend others unconsciously due to language barriers or different habits. If you encounter this situation, you must explain it clearly in time, or even seek help from a lawyer. If international students in the United States believe that they have encountered racial discrimination, they can file a complaint with the school in accordance with regulations, or even resolve the problem through legal means.

2. Actively cooperate with the police’s requirements

In the United States, citizens can legally carry guns, so U.S. law grants police the power to enforce the law and protect themselves. In order to protect their own lives, police have the right to shoot and kill criminals. There was once a Chinese student studying in the United States who was warned by the police with a gun because he was eager to show his ID to prove his identity when facing police questioning. Although it turned out to be a false alarm, I believe no one wants to experience this.

If you are questioned by the police abroad, you must actively cooperate and not argue or even resist arrest, otherwise you may get into trouble.

3. Don’t joke with public safety

In some situations, some words cannot be said casually.

There is a joke circulating in the United States: If you have a friend named Jack, never greet him loudly by saying "Hi, Jack" at the airport. If the police hear this, you will be arrested - this sentence sounds very similar to the English word "Hijack". It can be seen that in the United States, which attaches great importance to anti-terrorism, jokes that endanger public safety cannot be made casually. There is a reminder of "No jokes" at the security checkpoint of Los Angeles International Airport.

4. Be careful what you say and do on social networking sites

In the United States, an unintentional remark can also become evidence of attempted crime. Not long ago, Ni Hanxiang, a Chinese student at the University of Iowa, made such a mistake.

Ni Hanxiang was expelled from school, his gun was confiscated, and he was deported two days after posting a photo of himself holding a gun on a social networking site and threatening to follow the example of Lu Gang, a Chinese student who shot and killed many people, if he failed a course. Afterwards, Ni Hanxiang said on a social networking site that he "didn't want to cause trouble" and "didn't know what happened that year", but it was too late.

5. Obey traffic regulations

From the 18-year-old international student who drove a BMW and staged a "police-robber chase" with the police in Los Angeles, to the Chinese international student who drove over the speed limit and killed a passerby in Seattle, to the 17-year-old Chinese international student who was prosecuted for driving without a license in New Zealand, these real cases tell us that for international students, driving abroad should not be taken lightly. Traffic rules abroad are very different from those in China. While complying with local traffic rules, you must also abandon some bad driving habits. After all, complying with local laws and regulations is the bottom line of adapting to local customs.

Further reading: Course selection guide for studying in the United States

1. How to select courses

First, you need to meet the minimum credit requirement. Generally speaking, American courses are 1-4 credits per course. The F1 visa requires full-time undergraduate students to take at least 12 credits per semester, and graduate students to take at least 9 credits. Therefore, you must meet this minimum standard in your course selection to maintain your F1 student visa status. If you fall below this credit requirement, your I20 will be cancelled and you will not be able to stay in the United States.

Secondly, you need to understand whether the course difficulty matches your ability, and your preference for the course and professor. Before choosing a course, you should carefully refer to the course outline to understand the course objectives, class progress, and grading standards, and understand whether the course difficulty is suitable for you and what you like. In addition, you should also understand the teacher of the course, his teaching method, and the difficulty of grading.

Third, you need to meet the school's graduation and degree requirements. Take Harvard University as an example. To meet the school's undergraduate degree requirements, students must complete at least 32 courses and at least 8 of them must be selected from general education. In addition, students must choose at least 1 writing course and learn a second foreign language. In addition, students must also meet the graduation requirements of a certain major. For example, if a student's major is economics, then the student must complete at least 11 courses including Mathematics 1a, Statistics 100 or Statistics 104, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics.

II. Notes on Course Selection

Course selection itself can be said to be a compulsory course. Whether the course selection is appropriate or not will be the key to affecting the semester's grades. Before selecting courses, it is recommended that you make an overall plan to determine how many courses to take each semester. For freshmen who have just started their first semester, they should pay special attention to not taking too many courses or too heavy courses, so as not to bring themselves a heavy homework burden. If you really don't know what courses you want to take, you can go for a trial class first. American universities also have special course consultants to guide students in course selection. Students can take the initiative to ask course consultants for help.

You should register for classes as early as possible. In public universities, many courses have limited space, so you should register as soon as possible to ensure that you can complete your studies as planned. Now many schools are online for class registration, which is more convenient, so you should complete the class registration as early as possible.

Don't be greedy and choose too many courses at a time, or choose courses that are too challenging. Don't choose too many or too difficult courses in your first year of college. It is recommended to choose more difficult courses, such as writing, literature, or history, in your sophomore or junior year. You can consult your course selection instructor and ask him or her to give you reasonable suggestions for course selection.

Students can sign up for 1-2 more courses each time. In one week, students will attend all the courses, and can drop one or two courses after one week. This ensures that their learning progress will not be delayed every semester due to disliked or difficult courses.

Take the initiative to make an appointment with the school's instructor, and communicate your preferences and current situation, including language ability and academic ability, to the instructor in a timely manner. Only by making full use of the teacher's resources can you choose courses more easily. When consulting, ask experienced friends and teachers to understand the course selection system process. The most important thing is to have a deep understanding of each course and not to choose courses blindly. Make full use of the help of teaching assistants. If you don't understand the course, you can ask for help from the teaching assistants, make appointments with the teaching assistants for extra lessons, and build a good relationship with the teaching assistants. You will benefit a lot.

Summary of application requirements and schools for studying fine arts in the United States

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