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US study loan preparation materials | US study visa materials

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Some students have difficulty in completing their study abroad due to their limited financial resources, so they choose to apply for loans to complete their study abroad.Preparation materials for US study abroad loansUS study visa materials, ,Materials Science Study Abroad in the United States, ,US study visa application materials, ,Sending materials for studying in the United StatesThe problem.


Study in the United States loan preparation documents

1. Preparation materials for US study abroad loans

The documents required for US study abroad loans are as follows:

1. Original ID cards, marriage certificates, household registers and other valid residence certificates of the borrower and his/her spouse;

2. Valid identification certificate of the borrower’s education, including the original and copy of the borrower’s passport and visa for record;

3. The borrower shall provide proof of guardianship between the borrower and the student and the student’s birth certificate;

4. Admission Notice of the school you are attending, and documents proving the total amount of tuition and miscellaneous fees required during your studies;

5. If property is used as collateral or pledge for a U.S. study loan, a list of collateral or pledge and a written consent or statement signed by someone with the power of disposal should be provided.

6. The original and copy of the borrower's personal savings passbook or credit card opened at the lending bank;

2. Tips for applying for a visa to study in the United States

1. Complete materials

The first step of the review is for the materials. After the review method is updated, students can submit all the materials directly online, which is together with the page where everyone submits the application form. After completing the form, submit them together.

All the materials you need to upload will be marked on the page. You must ensure that the materials you prepare are complete and true, and submit them in the order given to ensure that no other problems arise in the middle, so as to facilitate the embassy's review.

2. Qualified identity

Everyone has different purposes for studying abroad, so the types of visas to be applied for are different. Everyone must choose a program that suits their identity, so that they will automatically enter the corresponding process during the review and will not affect their arrangements for going abroad.

For example, students applying for admission to preparatory courses and language schools all apply for a short-term visa for language learning, and the length of stay and the rights that can be enjoyed are limited; while for formal study abroad, an ordinary study visa is applied for, and everyone can apply according to the normal process.

3. Simple Motives

The embassy is also very strict in reviewing the purpose and motivation of international students, and is very sensitive to immigration and work. When you prepare the materials, you must be firm in your purpose of studying abroad and do not reveal your intention to work or prepare to immigrate.

The main review is on the study abroad plan and motivation letter that you submit. If you are not sure whether you will reveal your intention, then when writing, try to avoid mentioning content related to life, so that you can avoid it more effectively.

4. Interview Performance

After the materials are reviewed and approved, there will be an interview process. Unlike the procedures in most countries, the US visa interview plays a very important role. If you do not perform well, you will be directly rejected.

Therefore, before attending an interview, you must make comprehensive preparations, including familiarity with the materials and basic questions, so that you can better deal with emergencies that may arise.

3. Popular study abroad cities in the United States

1. Boston

As the capital of Massachusetts, Boston is known as one of the cities with the highest level of higher education in the United States. This statement is by no means groundless. Tufts University, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Northeastern University and other top 50 universities in the United States are all veterans here. When you walk on the street, most of the people you pass by are elites from various schools. In addition, Boston is also not behind in the economy, culture and entertainment industries. It can be said that it is well-rounded and capable of all-around development.

2. New York

As a top international metropolis, New York has a long-standing reputation. Developed economy and cultural industries cannot be separated from the promotion of talents, and Columbia University and New York University are definitely the cradles of cultivating talents. These two schools have not only produced many business geniuses, but also many American presidents, which shows their strength. In addition to these two top schools, Fordham University and Yeshiva University are also located here, providing a variety of choices for many students.

3. San Francisco

When talking about gathering places, how can we miss California? San Francisco easily takes the top spot among many sister cities because it has two world-renowned universities: Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. When it comes to San Francisco, your first impression is that it is densely populated with Chinese? That's right, in San Francisco, Chinese people account for more than 10% of the total population; is it a paradise for high-tech industries? That's right, because of the existence of Silicon Valley, students studying in San Francisco are favored by employers. In addition, San Francisco is also a port city with a pleasant climate, where people of multiple ethnicities and races blend together, and there are unique cultural festivals every month. Friends who love excitement should not miss it.

4. Washington, D.C.

Speaking of Washington, those who can't tell the difference between Washington DC and Washington State can go stand in the corner. As the capital and heart of the United States, Washington DC not only plays the role of a political center, but also excels in higher education. In terms of colleges and universities, the most famous one is Georgetown University. It is said that many children of ambassadors to the United States attend this school. It is known as an aristocratic school among the people. F4 and the like are definitely standard. In addition to Georgetown University, George Washington University and American University are also very good choices.

5. Chicago

Chicago is the third largest city and metropolitan area in the United States, second only to New York and Los Angeles, but it is not inferior in resources, and even better. The University of Chicago is second only to Princeton and Harvard, and the difficulty of admission is definitely ranked in the top three in the United States. In addition, there is Northwestern University, which ranks 14th. The admission requirements are slightly more friendly, and the number of international students admitted each year is relatively high.

4. Issues to pay attention to when studying in the United States

1. Keep your distance when talking while studying in the United States

When talking to an American, you should keep a distance between your bodies. A distance of half a meter is appropriate. When you are chatting with an American, if he keeps moving forward, you may be too far away from him; if he keeps moving backward, you may be too close to him, so you should keep a proper distance.

2. Don’t speak loudly when greeting others while studying in the United States

According to experts who study in the United States, when Chinese people meet acquaintances, they greet them loudly to show their enthusiasm, while American public places are relatively quiet, people speak softly, and generally do not shout unless there is an emergency. When meeting acquaintances, they will greet them only when they are close to them.

3. Maintain eye contact when talking to others

When talking to Americans, you should maintain eye contact. A wandering gaze or looking elsewhere will give Americans the impression of being untrustworthy and arrogant. Therefore, it is important to maintain a smile and eye contact when dealing with Americans. If a stranger walks up to you and smiles at you, and you smile back at him, he will say "hello" to you, this is just a courtesy and does not mean that he will stop to talk to you.

4. Don’t joke with them when studying in the United States

Some Chinese students sometimes tell a white lie or a joke, and everyone thinks it is normal. However, in the United States, if you lie to him or joke that he is dishonest, these words will make Americans unhappy, because Americans are a nation that values credibility. Their economic and social status are based on personal credibility, and they cannot tolerate others without credibility.

Summary of materials for preparing US study abroad loans

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