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When studying in the United States, students can actually compete for the school's study abroad scholarships, but they need to be very clear about the requirements and review standards of these scholarships.Application materials for scholarships to study in the United States,US high school study materials, ,Visa materials for studying in the United States, ,Materials for studying in the United States, ,How to submit materials for studying in the United StatesThe problem.


Application Materials for Scholarships to Study in the United States

Application Materials for Scholarships to Study in the United States

1. Scholarship application materials

1. GPA and Rank of undergraduate students

GPA (Grade Point Average), also known as "university points". American schools attach great importance to students' regular grades. Generally speaking, only those with a GPA of 3.0 or above can apply to the top 100 schools. If the GPA is not high but the ranking is high, you can attach a rank list when providing the transcript, listing the ranking of such grades in the class and the whole department, and stamp it with the university seal. Most American schools can recognize it.

2. Standardized test scores

When applying for a US scholarship, you usually need to provide language scores (TOEFL) and proficiency test scores (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc.). Many schools have minimum test scores, such as TOEFL must be higher than 80, GRE higher than 1100 (the first two higher than 1000), GMAT higher than 550, LSAT higher than 170, etc. Of course, the higher the score, the greater the possibility of successfully applying for a scholarship to study in the United States.

3. Personal achievements

Different from undergraduate applications, personal achievements are highly valued by professors in graduate applications. Depending on the major, some materials must be provided. For example, architectural design requires applicants to provide relevant design works, and fine arts also require art works. Some majors may not require it, but including these certificates in the materials - especially personal achievements of sufficient weight - will greatly increase your chances of being admitted and applying for scholarships at American universities.

4. Work or internship experience

The educational concept of Americans is different from that of my country. Most Americans are willing to apply for graduate school after working for many years. Some majors are open to applicants who already have relevant work experience for further study and systematic training. Although some majors do not have clear requirements, if you have already had relevant work experience (or internship experience) for a period of time, it can become your highlight.

5. Application documents

It is often heard that many students with high test scores did not receive scholarships, while those with less outstanding scores received a lot of financial sponsorship. The reason for this situation is largely due to the quality of "personal application documents". Effectively exploring your own advantages in the documents, or even sublimating your advantages, can greatly enhance your competitiveness based on the existing "hardware". For the documents for applying for scholarships to study in the United States, you need to spend more effort to prove your learning, scientific research, and work ability, which is the key to determining whether you can get funding.

2. Scholarship Application Tips

1. The applicant’s academic performance

The academic performance of applicants, whether in high school or college, is expressed in two forms: GPA (Grade Point Average), or "Grade Point Average", and Rank, or "Graduation Ranking". These two forms are the standards used by most schools in the United States to measure the academic performance of applicants. By understanding the applicant's previous academic performance and academic ranking, their academic ability and academic potential can be understood.

2. The applicant's grade point average (GPA)

American universities generally have a minimum GPA requirement for applicants, and those who fail to meet the requirement will not be considered. Therefore, students should try to improve their regular grades when applying, and then indicate their name and percentage in the grade and class in the application materials, so as to give a more intuitive impression to the university they are applying to.

3. Standard test scores provided by the applicant

In fact, everyone generally knows that language is the key to opening the application for American universities, and when applying for scholarships, an excellent standardized test score is the focus of American universities. Generally, there are five types of test scores: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT. Applicants must get satisfactory scores based on the school's requirements and the basis for review.

4. Applicants’ work experience

When applying for scholarships from American universities, applicants with work experience will have a much greater advantage than those without experience, and some majors in American universities will not even accept applicants with American work experience. If you apply for a scholarship from an American university, then extracurricular internships during college or subsequent work experience are a bargaining chip for successfully obtaining a scholarship.

5. Academic qualifications of applicants

The distribution of scholarships at American universities is also different in terms of academic qualifications. Generally, American universities offer fewer scholarships to undergraduate students, while the number of applications for master's and doctoral students is larger.

Further reading: Things to note when studying in the United States

1. Respect others

Racial discrimination is a very serious accusation overseas. Some international students may offend others unconsciously due to language barriers or different habits. If you encounter this situation, you must explain it clearly in time, or even seek help from a lawyer. If international students in the United States believe that they have encountered racial discrimination, they can file a complaint with the school in accordance with regulations, or even resolve the problem through legal means.

2. Actively cooperate with the police’s requirements

In the United States, citizens can legally carry guns, so U.S. law grants police the power to enforce the law and protect themselves. In order to protect their own lives, police have the right to shoot and kill criminals. There was once a Chinese student studying in the United States who was warned by the police with a gun because he was eager to show his ID to prove his identity when facing police questioning. Although it turned out to be a false alarm, I believe no one wants to experience this.

If you are questioned by the police abroad, you must actively cooperate and not argue or even resist arrest, otherwise you may get into trouble.

3. Don’t joke with public safety

In some situations, some words cannot be said casually.

There is a joke circulating in the United States: If you have a friend named Jack, never greet him loudly by saying "Hi, Jack" at the airport. If the police hear this, you will be arrested - this sentence sounds very similar to the English word "Hijack". It can be seen that in the United States, which attaches great importance to anti-terrorism, jokes that endanger public safety cannot be made casually. There is a reminder of "No jokes" at the security checkpoint of Los Angeles International Airport.

4. Be careful what you say and do on social networking sites

In the United States, an unintentional remark can also become evidence of attempted crime. Not long ago, Ni Hanxiang, a Chinese student at the University of Iowa, made such a mistake.

Ni Hanxiang was expelled from school, his gun was confiscated, and he was deported two days after posting a photo of himself holding a gun on a social networking site and threatening to follow the example of Lu Gang, a Chinese student who shot and killed many people, if he failed a course. Afterwards, Ni Hanxiang said on a social networking site that he "didn't want to cause trouble" and "didn't know what happened that year", but it was too late.

5. Obey traffic regulations

From the 18-year-old international student who drove a BMW and staged a "police-robber chase" with the police in Los Angeles, to the Chinese international student who drove over the speed limit and killed a passerby in Seattle, to the 17-year-old Chinese international student who was prosecuted for driving without a license in New Zealand, these real cases tell us that for international students, driving abroad should not be taken lightly. Traffic rules abroad are very different from those in China. While complying with local traffic rules, you must also abandon some bad driving habits. After all, complying with local laws and regulations is the bottom line of adapting to local customs.

Further reading: Things to know about working and studying in the United States

1. Types of part-time jobs

1. On campus

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), an official department of the United States, explicitly stipulates that students holding F1 visas are allowed to work on campus without applying for additional permits.

However, everyone will be subject to working time restrictions. You can work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours a week, but during holidays, you can work full-time for 40 hours. You can choose positions in the cafeteria, library, dormitory building, etc.

Of course, the content of your work cannot be related to your major, so you cannot apply for the position of assistant teaching assistant. Moreover, you cannot apply for a job in the first academic year, and the longest time you can work in school is one year.

2. Off-campus

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) will be arranged for professional courses. It is usually led by the school and will have some work requirements. Everyone needs to work within the permitted scope. This is a necessary process to complete your studies.

We will also arrange Optional Practical Training (OPT) for free internships during the winter and summer vacations. During this period, there will be a relatively high degree of freedom in the work. Everyone can choose their own work unit and position, and they will receive internship wages.

If you want to work off-campus, you must obtain official permission and get the Employment Authorization Document (EAD). Only after you get the certificate can you start formal part-time work.

II. Eligibility Requirements

One of the requirements for part-time work is to obtain qualifications, that is, you need to obtain a certificate of permission to work from an official organization, namely (Employment Authorization Document) (EAD). No matter if you are on campus or off campus, there is no need to panic as long as you have the certificate in hand.

On the other hand, you must comply with the requirements. Time and position restrictions must be followed, and everyone must go through formal channels when looking for a job. This will be more suitable for everyone to protect their rights, and any problems can be resolved well.

Summary of application materials for scholarships to study in the United States

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