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Recommended popular majors for art graduate students studying in the United States | Ranking of popular majors for studying abroad in the United States

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Recommended popular majors for art graduate students studying in the United States

1. Graphic Design

The major of graphic design has become quite popular in recent years. Both specialized art colleges and art colleges of comprehensive universities offer this major.

Graphic design focuses on and cultivates students' independent research ability and hands-on ability. The employment prospects of graduates are also relatively broad. Advertising design, magazine and book design, computer drawing design, multimedia design, film and television design, etc. can all be considered.

Recommended schools: Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), School of Visual Arts (SVA), Yale University

2. Jewelry Design

Recommended schools: Cranbrook Academy of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, California Institute of the Arts.

3. Painting

With the in-depth spread of art in the public eye and people's pursuit and yearning for non-material life such as spiritual entertainment, art majors are no longer shelved, and even ordinary people can express their insights on works of art.

Painting is a common form of artistic expression, and it is also a major in which the proportion of art students in China is relatively large. This major aims to cultivate professionals who can create art in visual and plastic media. The learning content belongs to traditional art media, similar to oil painting, printmaking, etc.

Recommended schools: Yale University, Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Maryland Institute College of Art, Columbia University, University of California, Los Angeles, Virginia Commonwealth University.

4. Photography

A master's degree in photography requires students to have a certain foundation in photography. If they do not have the relevant basic background, they need to study for a three-year MFA.

Recommended schools: Yale University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, School of Visual Arts in New York.

Generally speaking, art majors in comprehensive universities require GRE scores, but if you are applying for an MFA degree, you do not need to take the GRE, especially for majors in artistic creation and performance, which rarely require GRE scores, such as painting, sculpture, photography, multimedia, music performance, and other majors that are oriented towards becoming an artist.

The situation for design majors is more complicated. Different majors and schools have different requirements. Taking industrial design in the United States as an example, Pratt, California Institute of the Arts, Rhode Island, etc. do not require GRE scores, while Carnegie Mellon and Georgia Institute of Technology require GRE scores. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago offers a compromise option: recommended but not mandatory.

The majors with the highest GRE requirements are probably arts management majors. Since the teaching involves a lot of management content, except for art colleges and a few comprehensive universities at the bottom of the rankings, most of them require GRE scores. However, on average, even if arts applications require GRE scores, the score requirements are not too high. Artistic creation ability and work experience are still the most core elements.

The English test scores for arts majors are just a stepping stone. As long as you pass the threshold, you'll be fine. The key is to have a solid professional foundation.

Further reading: What conditions need to be met to apply for studying abroad

1. Education requirements

If you want to apply to a university in the United States, you must at least graduate from high school. If you want to apply to study for a master's degree in the United States, you must graduate from an undergraduate program and have a bachelor's degree. Therefore, academic qualifications are the basic guarantee for students to study in the United States.

2. Language scores

If you want to study abroad, language scores are an application material that must be submitted. In addition to TOEFL scores, those applying to American universities must also provide SAT scores. If you are applying for graduate programs, you need to provide GRE or GMAT scores.

3. Economic requirements

Tuition fees in the United States vary greatly. Public universities charge about $10,000 to $18,000 a year, while some excellent private universities charge up to $45,000 or even more. When applying for a visa, the visa officer will consider whether your family conditions are sufficient to support you throughout your studies, and you must provide sufficient financial guarantees. Therefore, if you want to study in the United States, the financial requirements for your family are still relatively high.

4. Material requirements

The application process for studying in the United States is rather complicated, so everyone should prepare the required materials as early as possible, including letters of recommendation, transcripts, proof of deposit, personal essays/resume, IELTS/TOEFL, SAT scores, school selection, extracurricular activities, interviews (depending on the school), portfolios, and other materials.

Further reading: Things to note when applying for study abroad

1. Don’t panic

Your child will definitely be admitted to an American university. Because in terms of the practice of studying abroad, it is now very different from the past. In the past, it was difficult to go to the United States, but now it is no problem to study in the United States. The key is to "find" a good school that suits you. The previous concept of "taking an exam" to go to university, especially the idea of "getting admitted" to an American university, should be changed. To borrow a jingle: "Chinese universities are taken by exams, American universities are found", it may ease the students' nervousness.

2. Believe in your own strength

Whether students or parents, before applying to American universities, they have completed a lot of "homework" about American universities, including browsing school websites, visiting American universities, seeking advice from senior students, and guidance from admissions counselors. They must fully believe in their "research results" and apply these results in their own actual practice.

3. Avoid stupid mistakes

It is very common to make the stupidest mistakes in the final stage of college application. For example, since American universities use the common application form, some students write to Smith College and send the application letter to Wellesley College to save trouble. Such stupid mistakes caused by carelessness must be paid special attention and resolutely avoided.

4. Control the number of applications

When applying to American universities, you usually choose three types of schools: dream schools, target schools, and backup schools. It is advisable to apply to no more than 3 schools in each category, and no more than 10 schools in total. In the past, the media reported that a student was admitted to 17 American universities. In fact, from the application results, the more you apply, the greater your chance of being admitted. On the contrary, applying to too many schools will waste too much energy, which will weaken your goal and success.

5. Carefully choose a backup school

Both students and parents hope to be admitted to good schools, but sometimes things go against one's wishes. It is very important to choose a backup school, because if the backup school fails, the students will be at a great disadvantage in terms of time and choices. The consequences of losing ground will have a long-term impact on the students.

Recommended popular majors for art graduate students studying in the United States

Summary of Recommended Majors for Art Graduates Studying in the United States

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