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Common knowledge about studying in the UK in 2023 | Life as an international student in the UK

The United Kingdom is a developed capitalist country. The British mainland is located in the British Isles northwest of the European continent and is surrounded by the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.2023 UK study life tipsStudent life in the UK, ,Apply for living expenses for studying in the UK, ,How to apply for living expenses in the UK, ,A complete guide to life and customs in the UKThe problem.

Things to know about studying in the UK in 2021

1. Comply with the student status and attendance management system. Complete all courses required by the school conscientiously and take exams and assessments. Do not be absent from class without reason.

2. Learn some legal knowledge. The laws related to international students usually include civil law, criminal law, traffic law, neighborhood law, marriage law, consumer law, environmental protection law, wildlife protection law, public order law, part-time employment law, etc. In addition, there are many school regulations for student management. Students are protected by various laws while studying at school. They should try their best to understand their rights and interests, and can also consult lawyers who provide legal advice to students.

3. Keep your privacy. Do not easily disclose your family situation, property status, interpersonal relationships, marital status, life experience, etc. to outsiders, especially to those you do not know. Do not boast about your wealth or show off your wealth. Do not expose yourself completely in broad daylight.

4. Be careful in making friends. There are all kinds of people in the world, with different personalities and cultivation. You must have a clear mind about which people you can approach and make friends with, and which people you should stay away from. You should make friends based on careful observation, starting with a light relationship and then a deep one, starting with a distant one and then a close one, and starting with a close one (contact) and then a close one. The state of mind should be "making friends as light as water", so that you can "live in tranquility (not hurting your body and mind, and good for your health)".

5. Medical insurance is essential. Life is full of ups and downs; it is inevitable that we will have problems. Medical insurance should be arranged at the beginning of studying in the UK. If parents come to visit, buy temporary medical insurance for them to prevent unexpected situations.

6. Take good care of your important personal belongings. Passport (make sure to keep it valid), bank card (passwords should not be disclosed), student card, library card, driver's license, and all valuable personal belongings. Don't carry too much cash when you go out.

7. Do not do anything against the law. When in Rome, follow the local customs. When in a foreign country, ask about the prohibitions. Keep your words and deeds within the law. Only those who behave in a regulated manner can be free at all times and in all places.

8. Do not discuss other people's privacy. When interacting with others, do not ask sensitive questions, do not discuss other people's strengths and weaknesses, do not relish talking about other people's gains and losses, pains and gossips, and especially do not deliberately pursue the "information" that you are interested in. As the saying goes, "It is better to avoid slander behind a person's back than to praise him in front of him." This is one of the principles of life.

9. Strictly abide by traffic regulations. Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Keep track of the driving schedule when taking public transportation and carry a timetable. When driving a long distance, keep the car in good condition.

10. Try to travel with friends when traveling. Do not go swimming in the wild. Wear hard-soled leather boots when hiking or walking in the woods, and wear leggings to prevent bites or scratches from venomous snakes and spiders. Students who stay in host families should inform the host family in advance if they are going out for a long time (especially staying overnight).

11. Keep important financial receipts. Housing receipts, important shopping receipts, etc. should be kept properly for future reference.

12. Pay attention to your health. Take medicine in time if you feel unwell and pay attention to the balance between work and rest.

13. Keep in touch with your parents and relatives. International long-distance phone charges are extremely low abroad. You should call home frequently to communicate with them at any time, which will help you get rid of your depression in time.

14. Learn to adjust your psychology. The outside world is wonderful, but it is also full of thorns. Only by adjusting your psychology in a healthy way can you achieve success in your life and career. Psychological adjustment is a compulsory course in life experience. Don't get stuck in a dead end, especially when you are frustrated in love or have a serious setback in your studies.

15. Don’t easily engage in financial transactions such as borrowing or lending with classmates or friends. Such transactions usually only occur between two people. Once a dispute occurs, there is no evidence or proof, and it is very easy for them to turn against each other and turn into a conflict.

16. Do not smoke, especially do not drink excessively; do not play and fight excessively with others (especially friends of the opposite sex). Smoking not only wastes money, but also affects health. What is more terrible is that some bad people use cigarettes as bait to drag weak-willed people into the quagmire of drug abuse. It is okay to drink some light drinks such as beer at a gathering with friends, but you must not drink alcohol with high alcohol content, let alone drink excessively.

17. Establish a civilized view of love and marriage, and be prudent and rational in choosing a spouse. There should be standards for choosing a spouse, and you should not be too emotional, let alone get caught up in a triangular or multi-cornered emotional entanglement, or even become blinded by emotions, or take risks, or give up.

18. Stay away from places of pornography, gambling and drugs, and do not get involved in such activities. Such places and activities are everywhere, and they are always beckoning to those with weak wills. You must be careful.

19. Create an emergency phone book. Frequently used phone numbers should be organized and stored in a mobile phone, computer, or address book. Emergency phone numbers should never be left unattended. The local police station number and other emergency numbers should be memorized. Chinese students should know the duty phone number of the Education Department of the Chinese embassy or consulate.

20. Carry your student ID and passport copies with you. They are the "amulets" that prove your identity and are related to your personal safety. You must never leave them without them.

21. If your passport is lost, you must report it to the embassy or consulate promptly, declare it invalid in a newspaper, and apply for a new passport as soon as possible.

22. Maintain regular contact and good relations with the International Student Office and seek help in a timely manner if any problem arises.

Further reading: List of entry procedures for studying in the UK

1. Entry Procedure

1. Fill in the form

You can complete the entry card on the plane. Not everyone needs to fill out the card, so you can seek help from the flight attendants, who can guide you throughout the process. Of course, if you have prepared it in advance at home, you can just copy it.

2. Check the file

After getting off the plane, you need to go to the relevant window to undergo material inspection. You need to hand over the entry card, passport, visa and other documents to the staff for verification. The focus of the inspection is whether they are complete and authentic, so you don't need to worry too much.

3. Stamp

After passing the inspection, the staff will stamp your passport directly to confirm that the time you can legally stay in the UK will be stated on it, which is what we call Leave to enter. This can be processed together with the visa before it expires.

4. Collect your luggage

After completing all the inspections, you can go to the conveyor belt to pick up your luggage. Find the conveyor belt corresponding to your flight and pick it up directly. Remember to check it. If there is any damage, you can claim compensation from the flight.

II. Entry Materials

The first thing is everyone's identity documents, that is, the basic documents required to enter the country, passport and visa, as well as air tickets. You need to carry this part with you, because you need to show it when boarding the plane from the country to ensure your legal identity.

You also need proof of identity as an international student, because there are many purposes for going abroad, and only a legal purpose can guarantee a smooth exit, so you also need to show the admission notice issued by the school, either the original or a copy will do, the original will be more recognized.

The last thing is everyone’s medical examination certificate. You need to show the medical examination report you prepared when applying for a visa, as well as the vaccination documents, so that you can meet the health requirements for entry and ensure your physical qualifications.

After the inspection, the staff will generally ask everyone to go to the Aliens Office, 10 Lamb's Conduit Street, London WC1 to register within the specified time. Everyone must prepare according to the requirements.

Further reading: Detailed explanation of living expenses for studying in the UK

1. Textbook Expenditure

The tuition fee collected by the school does not include textbooks. When you choose your courses, you will see reference books on the majors specified by the teacher. You need to purchase them yourself. It does not matter if they are new or second-hand books. You can also print the textbooks directly.

Paper books are very expensive. A new book costs about 300 yuan, and for a semester, you need to prepare at least six or seven textbooks. At this time, second-hand books would be more cost-effective. You can directly visit second-hand book websites or bookstores around the school.

2. Insurance Expenditure

All international students in the UK need to purchase insurance. The expense is not much, but it can reduce everyone's financial expenses after encountering risks and can obtain financial subsidies, so that everyone can better complete the task of studying abroad.

The insurance that students buy is generally medical, accident, emergency rescue and other related insurance, which costs about 5,000 yuan a year. Medical insurance can provide compensation for medical expenses due to illness, and accident insurance mainly covers accidental injuries and accidental medical treatment. There are also some other insurance such as loss of property or travel documents, and academic interruption expenses.

3. Online shopping expenses

Amazon is a British shopping website, similar to Taobao in China. People can shop without leaving home, and after placing an order, the goods will be quickly delivered to your reserved address. It is convenient and fast, and is widely loved by young people.

Of course, everyone also needs to bear the risks of online shopping. Although you can easily buy what you want here, after all, you haven't seen it with your own eyes, so there will still be a certain amount of error. Generally speaking, a person's monthly expenditure is more than 1,000 yuan.

4. Unexpected Expenses

Most insurance policies do not cover dental care. In addition, the hospital's rescue services do not include first aid and the use of ambulances. We have seen many cases where people accidentally owed huge sums of money. Before accepting assistance, you must ask clearly.

During holidays, traveling is very common. We should make good use of our student visa to travel around the world. Traveling will incur expenses, and the average cost per trip ranges from 3,000 to 8,000 yuan, depending on the destination and time.

Further reading: UK study accommodation guide

1. Homestay

Initially, it was a form of guardianship accommodation for underage students. Now it has developed into a more common accommodation option. Students of all ages can submit their accommodation applications through schools or institutions.

The family will provide students with accommodation and catering services, or they can apply to use the kitchen to cook for themselves. If they can get along well with each other, they will have the opportunity to participate in family gatherings and social activities, which is very helpful for everyone's adaptation.

However, there will be certain troubles, because as outsiders, international students can only adapt to the internal rules of the family. At this time, they must actively communicate and exchange, make sure that their opinions can be conveyed directly, and get along more friendly.

2. School Dormitory

Dormitories will be the first choice for freshmen, and everyone’s application will be given priority. Basically, as long as you receive the offer confirmation, you can make a formal application, and the possibility of successful approval is very high, and everyone can move in smoothly.

Dormitories are generally double or multi-person rooms. Some require shared bedrooms, while others have separate bedrooms, but generally require shared bathrooms. While you can build good relationships, you also lose a certain degree of privacy. However, overall there are still many advantages.

3. Off-campus housing

Since living on campus does not have much cost advantage over renting a house, and may even be more expensive, most students choose to move out after their freshman period. The difference lies in whether they rent a house alone or share it with others.

When looking for housing, you must find it from a reliable platform. Introductions from schools and friends are good, and you can also go to professional rental agencies to get effective information. You can find a more suitable house by spending money. Of course, you can also consider sharing a house.

The advantage of renting a house is that you will have a relatively private space. Even if you share the house with others, you will have your own bedroom. In addition, a kitchen is standard in rented houses, so you can cook for yourself and save money.

Things to know about studying in the UK in 2021

Summary of common sense for studying in the UK in 2023

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