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Daily life in the UK | Living expenses for one year in the UK

The UK is a country that many young people dream of studying abroad. The high-quality education in the UK has always been praised by the world.Daily life in the UKLiving expenses for studying in the UK for one year, ,Studying in the UK, ,Why study in the UK? Living expenses, ,Life as an overseas student in the UKThe problem.


An overview of daily life as a student in the UK

1. Daily life in the UK

1. Food

The British people eat a lot of fried food, with meat, pasta and rice as the main staples. The daily food prices are not very expensive, and seasonal fruits and vegetables are very fresh. In a whole day's diet, the total cost of meat, staple food, vegetables, milk, etc. will not exceed 30 pounds.

There are many large supermarkets in the UK, which sell all kinds of food. There are also many domestically produced foods in Chinese supermarkets. You don’t have to worry about not being able to get used to British food, nor do you have to worry about not being able to eat delicious Chinese food.

In the UK, the prices of supplies in factory-type supermarkets are relatively cheap, so you can go to the supermarket on weekends to buy food and supplies for the week, which can save a lot of money and time.

In the UK, people drink a lot of tea and coffee, but usually drink cold drinks with meals. Unlike Chinese culture, British people do not think that drinking hot water or hot drinks is necessarily good for health. Therefore, there is no place to fill hot water on university campuses, and you can only see taps that dispense cold water.

Even though there are authentic Chinese restaurants run by Chinese people all over the UK, when your British friends say they have eaten Chinese food, they are probably talking about "British Chinese takeaway", such as fried shrimp chips and lemon chicken. There are Chinese supermarkets in big cities where you can buy all the cooking ingredients, condiments and pots and pans you need. From hot pots to rice cookers, everything is available. But if you live in a more rural area, don't forget to bring some of your favorite foods from China, but British customs have strict regulations on passengers bringing certain foods into the country, so pay attention to the latest regulations.

Another thing to pay attention to is the time and amount of meals. In the UK, dinner is usually more formal than lunch and is larger. Students' lunch is usually a cold sandwich, which is very different from the hot lunch that most Chinese students are used to.

2. Clothes

The climate in the UK is relatively mild, and the British people dress for comfort and warmth. They require classic and elegant styles and cuts, and mainly focus on comfort. Clothes in the UK are relatively expensive, but the quality is very good and comfortable, and they are all genuine. When you first go to the UK, you will definitely take the opportunity to go shopping.

There are many large shopping malls and markets in the UK, and there are many convenient places to shop. After going to the UK, you will find that many British clothes are not easy to buy because of their body shape and size. If you want to buy good-looking and well-fitting clothes, you need to do more homework.

3. Accommodation

There are usually three types of accommodation for studying in the UK: on-campus accommodation, off-campus rental, and host family accommodation.

On-campus accommodation is more convenient and can help international students become independent, integrate into the learning environment as quickly as possible, and make good friends. The accommodation environment of the school is very good for international students in the UK. The 2-4-person room has a separate bed, wardrobe, separate bathroom, air conditioning and washing machine. The cost of accommodation is included in the tuition fee, and the fee for one semester is about 3,500-6,000 pounds.

Renting a house off campus is more flexible, with no time restrictions, and you can cook your own meals, which is more economical. However, the housing prices in different cities vary. The price of a single room in London and Manchester is 600-800 pounds per month, in other second-tier cities it is 500-650 pounds, and in the rest of the cities it is less than 500 pounds per month.

The host family can take good care of you, learn the local language, and integrate into local life as soon as possible. The fees for the host family are also affected by various factors, and fluctuate between 350-700 pounds per month.

4. Action

The traffic rules in the UK are very different from those in China. When you go to the UK, you must first understand the local traffic rules.

Common modes of transportation in the UK include buses, subways, taxis, private cars, trains, airplanes, ships, etc. Buses and subways are relatively cheap, and you can also apply for a student card, which can get you a lot of discounts. The starting price of a taxi is relatively high, but it is still safe. The transportation in the UK is well developed, and it is relatively convenient to basically go to every city.

In the UK, you drive on the left. It's easy to forget this when you first arrive and look in the wrong direction, only to find a car coming towards you.

Although jay walking is legal in the UK, people usually wait for the pedestrian crossing light to turn green before crossing the road. Unlike in China, drivers in the UK usually don't think of crossing the road in the middle of the busy traffic.

2. What international students should do in the UK

1. Comply with laws and regulations

Including the more basic legal provisions, as long as they are related to your study abroad and life, you should do your homework carefully, and you also need to pay attention to the welfare policies specially formulated for international students. If you meet the requirements, you should enjoy them boldly.

The rules that are most closely related to our daily lives are mainly about traffic, because we basically have to go out every day. We should pay special attention to the fact that the UK practices driving on the left, and the traffic lights here will only change color if you press them yourself, so don't wait foolishly.

2. Understand social

The locals are more straightforward in character, so when you are talking to them, don't be too euphemistic, as this may cause dissatisfaction among others and they may think you are wasting their time. You also need to understand the local humor culture and pay attention to showing support during conversations.

If you are going out, seeing a doctor or visiting someone, be sure to remember to make an appointment in advance so that they can be prepared and your goal can be achieved quickly without delaying other arrangements, which can greatly improve your work efficiency.

3. Correct your attitude

If you want to integrate into local life, you need to adjust your attitude. Don't blindly worship Western culture, nor regard yourself as a great power. You need to put each other on a relatively equal position and interact in a relatively harmonious atmosphere.

As outsiders, we should do our homework in advance to understand the differences and distinctions in culture and read more news and newspapers. This will help us to understand them better and avoid embarrassing situations in future social interactions.

4. Safekeeping of Property

Although the UK has complete legal protections, we still cannot let down our guard. We must pay special attention to the safety of our own life and especially our property, and ensure we stay away from places with hidden dangers.

Important documents must be kept properly and copies must be kept for backup; when going out, try to carry cards and less cash, and do not show off your wealth; check the validity period of your documents and do not wait until they expire to renew them.

3. Things that international students should do after arriving in the UK

1. Obtaining the BRP Card

This BRP card is the student's biometric fingerprint card, which will store the student's residence permit information and the validity period. When applying for a visa, students must determine where they will live in the UK and how long they will stay. After arriving in the UK, students must collect the BRP within a limited time.

In the UK, the BRP card is very important for students, just like an ID card. Sometimes the BRP card must be checked when shopping, so everyone has to carry it with them. And the first thing to do after arriving in the UK is to collect the BRP.

2. Register

International students who come to the UK, as long as they are over 16 years old and will live in the UK for a long time, must go to the police station to complete the registration. If you fail to register within the required time, you will be fined. This step must be taken seriously by students.

When registering, you need to bring your passport, application form, BRP original and other materials. However, the materials required in each place are different, so students have to check the requirements of their area. But it is safer to prepare more materials.

3. Registration Appointment

At present, schools in the UK generally arrange the time for new students to register collectively, but there are also schools that require students to complete the registration form by themselves. Then students must first ask the school whether there is a registration time arrangement. If so, if not, then they have to complete the registration by themselves, such as making an appointment. When making an appointment, students must first know which police station they should go to to complete the registration, which is usually available on the official page. You can also ask your teacher about this. After all, not all police stations in the UK have registration appointments, and it is difficult to find them by yourself. After determining the police station you want to go to, you can call or write an email to make an appointment. When making an appointment, you must provide your basic information. If the appointment is successful, the student will be notified when to register.

Summary of daily life in the UK

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