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Introduction to food, clothing, housing and transportation for studying in the UK | Experience of studying in the UK

For students who are about to study in the UK, it is absolutely necessary to understand the study life in the UK.Introduction to life in the UKStudying in the UK、British students? Private life,Cost of living at a UK university, ,How to apply for studying in the UKThe problem.


Introduction to food, clothing, housing and transportation for studying in the UK

Introduction to food, clothing, housing and transportation for studying in the UK

1. Food

The British people eat a lot of fried food, and their staple foods are mainly meat, pasta and rice. The prices of daily food are not very expensive, and seasonal fruits and vegetables are very fresh. In a whole day's diet, the total cost of meat, staple food, vegetables, milk, etc. will not exceed 30 pounds.

There are many large supermarkets in the UK, which have all kinds of food. In Chinese supermarkets, there are many domestic foods, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to get used to British food when studying in the UK, nor do you have to worry about not being able to eat delicious Chinese food.

In the UK, the food prices in factory-type supermarkets are generally cheaper. Therefore, it is recommended that students go to the supermarket to buy food and supplies for the week on weekends, which can save a lot of money and time.

As we all know, people in the UK drink a lot of tea and coffee. But when eating, the British usually drink cold drinks. Unlike Chinese culture, the British do not think that drinking hot water or hot drinks is necessarily good for health. So usually, there is no place to get hot water on university campuses, and you can only see taps that dispense cold water.

Even though there are authentic Chinese restaurants run by Chinese in almost every city in the UK, when your British friends say they have eaten Chinese food, they are most likely talking about "British Chinese takeaway", such as fried shrimp chips and lemon chicken. There are Chinese supermarkets in many large cities in the UK, where you can buy all the Chinese cooking ingredients, condiments and pots and pans you need. From hot pots to rice cookers, everything is available. If you are attending university or you live in a place close to the countryside, don't forget to bring some of your favorite Chinese food from China. It should be noted that British customs has very strict regulations on the food that travelers can bring into the country. Be sure to pay attention to and understand the latest customs regulations before bringing it.

Another thing that international students need to pay attention to is the time and amount of meals. In the UK, dinner is usually more formal than lunch, and the amount of food is relatively larger. Students' lunch is usually a cold sandwich, which is very different from the hot lunch that most Chinese students are used to.

2. Clothes

The climate in the UK is generally mild, so the British people dress for comfort and warmth; and the style and cut of clothes are classic and elegant, mainly for comfort. Another thing to note is that the price of British clothes is relatively expensive, but the quality is very good and comfortable, and they are all genuine.

For international students who have just arrived in the UK, they will definitely take the opportunity to go shopping. There are many large shopping malls and markets in the UK, and there are many convenient places for shopping. After being in the UK for a long time, you will find that the clothes in many shopping malls in the UK are not easy for Chinese students to buy due to body shape and size. If you want to buy good-looking and well-fitting clothes, you need to do more homework.

3. Accommodation

There are usually three types of accommodation options for studying in the UK: on-campus accommodation, off-campus rental, and host family accommodation.

If you choose to live on campus: it is more convenient and can help international students develop independent habits; it can also help them integrate into the British learning and living environment as soon as possible, and then make good friends as soon as possible. The school accommodation environment of British universities is very good: there are 2-4 people's rooms and single rooms. For single rooms, there are separate beds, wardrobes, and separate toilets. Shared living rooms and kitchens. The cost of accommodation is generally not included in the tuition fee. The cost per week ranges from 50 to 300 pounds per week.

If you choose to rent an apartment off campus: you have more freedom, and there are no time restrictions on going out. You can cook your own meals, which is also more economical. However, just like the situation in China: housing prices in different cities are different. The price of a single room in London and Manchester is generally 600-800 pounds/month, while other second-tier cities are cheaper, about 500-650 pounds/month, and the rest of the cities are below 500 pounds/month.

If you choose a host family, you will not only be well taken care of, but also have the opportunity to learn the local language and integrate into local life as soon as possible. Of course, the fees of the host family are also affected by various factors, generally around 350-700 pounds per month.

4. Action

The traffic rules in the UK are very different from those in China, so you must understand the local traffic rules before going to the UK.

Common modes of transportation in the UK include buses, subways, taxis, cars, trains, planes, ships, etc. Buses and subways are relatively cheap, and you can also apply for a student card, which can get you a lot of discounts. The starting price of a taxi is relatively high, but it is still very safe. The transportation in the UK is well developed, and it is convenient to go to almost every city.

It is important to note that driving in the UK is on the left. International students who have just arrived in the UK often forget this when they go out on the street; as a result, they look in the wrong direction and find a car coming towards them.

Jay Walking is legal in the UK. British people usually wait for the pedestrian crossing light to turn green before crossing the road. Unlike China, British people do not want to cross the road in the middle of the road, especially in the gap between heavy traffic. They are very particular about order.

other aspects

Use more polite words: When studying in the UK, you will find that people say "please" and "thank you" much more often than in China, and they often use these two words between friends. Using these polite words has become an important element of British culture. Therefore, if you accidentally bump into someone in the UK, even on the subway, most people will naturally say "sorry".

Be proactive in interpersonal communication: Although this is not a cultural difference, you should integrate yourself into British society as soon as possible after arriving in the UK and get along with the local British people. When the study planner of Xinjia Overseas Studies first arrived in the UK to study, it was easiest to hang out with Chinese students, but after a month, I found that my English had not improved at all. So Chinese students should remember: the more time you spend with your compatriots, the less opportunities you have to practice English. Over time, you will feel embarrassed to speak. You should consciously talk and communicate more with the local British people.

Bring an umbrella when going out: When talking about the UK, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is rain. The British also often talk about the weather: because the weather in the UK is unpredictable, many British people think that this affects their mood. In the UK, it is often the case that the sun is shining in the early morning, then it starts to rain, and then a rainbow appears in the evening. So when the British go out, they often bring an umbrella, just in case.

Drinking culture: There is a drinking culture among young people in the UK. College students often drink a lot of alcohol on an empty stomach, and then go to bars together to play, so that they don't have to spend money on alcohol, because the alcohol in such places is usually more expensive. This is different from the situation of "going out to play" in China: China's karaoke culture usually makes an appointment to go to a karaoke bar, reserve a table, and then order drinks and snacks.

Further reading: A guide to preparing documents for studying in the UK

1. Personal resume

The full name is Curriculum Vitae. The focus of resume writing for international students is on the individual's basic situation. It should be true. Resumes usually have templates. Do not change them at will. Just fill in your own information as required.

The first is Personal Information, including basic content such as name and gender; then comes Educational background, focusing on your education; followed by Experience, both academic and work experience can be written down.

In addition, there are Honors. Recognition received in social activities, rankings won in competitions, and articles published in authoritative publications can all add points; finally, there are Membership & Affiliations of the organizations you participate in.

2. Personal Statement

The full name is Personal Statement, which is a document that you use to introduce yourself to the school. It is a supplement to your resume and needs to be presented in the form of an article. It has higher requirements for logic and must have a central and prominent content.

The main thing is to give an expanded description of your background and showcase your strengths; you also need to explain the purpose of applying to the school and major; and you must have a relatively complete plan for the direction of your study and research.

When writing, you should not only present the facts, but also have highlights so that the reviewing staff can grasp your advantages. Your document should also look rich in content and have a sense of hierarchy, not too thin.

3. Letter of Recommendation

The full name is Recommendation Letters. Students are generally required to submit two letters, that is, they need to find two different recommenders to write separately and, if possible, prepare from two different aspects: academic and work.

Generally, an article only needs 300-400 words. First, you need to introduce the identity of the recommender and the relationship between the two parties, then describe your abilities, including your studies, research, and work. Finally, you need to make a relatively pertinent evaluation.

Further reading: UK study application planning form

1. Determine your goals

Everyone should first determine the goal of their application, so that they can concentrate their time and energy on understanding the school. In addition, everyone needs to know the admission requirements as early as possible, because the preparation time is generally longer.


Language training also takes time. If you can start professional training earlier, you will have more time to improve your abilities, which will increase your chances of getting a qualified and satisfactory score in the exam.

3. Arrange materials

The focus of the application should ultimately be on the organization of materials. Academic certificates and transcripts need to be notarized after you get them. The writing of documents should also be started early and revised to perfection. For letters of recommendation, you must contact the recommenders in advance and the materials must be complete.

IV. Submit your application

After the school opens the application, you need to fill out the online application form first, then submit it to confirm the identity of the application, then check all the materials again, and send them to the designated address according to the school's requirements. You need to confirm receipt before you can feel at ease.

5. Prepare funds

You will also need to show a deposit when submitting your visa application. There will usually be a time limit, so you should deposit your prepared deposit, about 300,000 in cash, into a bank account as early as possible and freeze it to ensure its validity.

6. Acceptance of Admission

After waiting for about two months, you can basically get the results of the school's review. If you pass, you will receive an admission email from the school. If you are satisfied, you will need to confirm and pay the reservation fee, which can be directly used to offset tuition fees later.

VII. Visa Application

Before submitting a formal study visa application, you need to undergo a physical examination first, then organize the materials needed for the visa application, ensure your identity qualifications, make an appointment and then go to the embassy to submit the materials. You will also need to undergo an interview and then go home to wait for the results.

8. Prepare to go abroad

While waiting for the visa, you should not sit idle. You need to arrange your accommodation after arrival, pack your luggage, and book your flight abroad. After getting the visa, you can fly directly to the UK.

Summary of life as a student in the UK: food, clothing, housing and transportation

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