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What are the common sense of bank cards for studying in the UK? What are the common sense of life that you must know when studying in the UK?

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When you first come to study in the UK, you will inevitably have to deal with banks. As we all know, our daily lives are increasingly inseparable from bank cards. When studying in the UK, bank cards are also one of the necessary supplies. So what types of bank cards are there in the UK? Here are some information aboutCommon knowledge about bank cards for studying in the UKWhat common sense of life must you know when studying in the UK, ,Essential knowledge for studying in the UK, ,Common knowledge about studying in the UK, ,100 essential common sense for studying in the UKThe problem.


Basic knowledge about bank cards for studying in the UK

1. cash card

The cash card of a British bank is one of the must-have items for students studying in the UK. Its main function is to help the cardholder deposit and withdraw cash at a bank or ATM. This is also a commonly used bank card for students studying in the UK.

2. Cheque guarantee card

A cheque guarantee card issued by a British bank. It is mainly used to be presented when using a cheque as a payment guarantee. The cheque guarantee card will indicate the guaranteed amount, which is the amount of cheques that the cardholder can issue each time.

3. Debit card

A debit card of a British bank. Its main function is to help the cardholder to pay for purchases in shopping malls, so that the expenses of the cardholder will be directly deducted from the corresponding account through the bank's settlement.

(British banks will merge the above three cards and unify the above functions into one bank card to facilitate customers' use.)

4. Credit card

The main function of a credit card from a British bank is overdraft consumption. If the credit record of an international student is good, after applying and being reviewed, a British bank will provide a credit card for the international student, allowing the student to overdraw part of the funds and then repay regularly. Consult online now >>>

5. Current account

The cash account of a British bank is called a Current account in English. It is mainly used to deposit and withdraw daily expenses. The interest rate of the account is very low or no interest.

6. Savings account

The deposit account of a British bank is mainly used for deposits. It has a higher interest rate, but cannot be used to pay checks. If you need to withdraw cash, you need to make an appointment with the bank in advance.

7. Over draft

Overdraft service in the UK. Generally speaking, banks in the UK support overdrafts. If international students need an overdraft, they can negotiate with the bank. Some banks will agree to provide international students with a certain amount of free overdrafts, while more banks will require paid overdrafts, which means that international students have to pay overdraft interest in advance.

Further reading: Application period for studying in the UK

The UK's enrollment period is September each year, which is the start date for various colleges and universities. Of course, some universities accept applications in January. Students who are preparing to study in the UK should usually start the preparation and application stage one year in advance, or at least prepare for half a year in advance.

The following is a rough schedule for applying to study in the UK for reference by students who are interested in studying in the UK.

From July to September, you should start preparing for the application. At this time, British universities are in the process of accepting applications for the current year and starting to accept applications for the next year. Therefore, it is very beneficial to prepare and apply early, which is beneficial from the perspective of occupying a place in the university and also conducive to the reserve of funds. At this stage, you need to: choose a school and major, and prepare undergraduate application materials.

Between September and January of the following year, the school begins accepting applications for the second-year undergraduate program.

From January to March, the school begins issuing conditional admission letters.

May 15 is the deadline for applicants to respond to conditional admission.

June 30th is the deadline for undergraduate applications for overseas students.

June to August. Generally speaking, visas are processed from June to August after receiving the admission notice. However, there are a lot of students applying for visas at this time, so it is recommended that students and parents apply in advance.

July-September 20, cleanup phase.

From August to September, pay tuition and guardianship fees, have physical examinations, book tickets, exchange foreign currency, prepare for overseas trips, etc.

Basic knowledge about bank cards for studying in the UK

Summary of bank card common sense for studying in the UK

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