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Popular schools for studying art in Singapore | Selection process for schools in Singapore

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Singapore is a relatively small country, but its education quality is highly recognized.Popular universities for studying art in SingaporeThe process of selecting a university to study in Singapore, ,Time requirements for selecting a university to study in Singapore, ,Top 10 universities in Singapore for studying abroadThe problem.


Popular universities for studying art in Singapore

1. Popular universities for studying art in Singapore

1. LASALLE College of the Arts

The school has a very diverse faculty and staff, and 40%'s tutors are all from outside Taiwan. The diverse cultural background is very conducive to cultivating students' artistic vision. The school's diploma is equivalent to the honorary bachelor's or master's degree from Goldsmiths, University of London, the school's main international cooperation partner, and the admission requirements are not very high, making it a school with a relatively high cost-effectiveness.


International students with excellent academic performance can enjoy a tuition subsidy of about 65%; after graduation, they can directly apply for a Singapore green card;

The diploma is widely recognized internationally, and after graduation you can directly apply for a master's degree program at well-known universities in Europe and the United States.

Professional recommendation:

Interior design, product design, film, animation, fashion design, art management, art education and practice, art therapy, Asian art history, media arts, graphic design, product design, jewelry design, fashion design

2. Raffles Art and Design Institute, Singapore

Singapore Raffles Art and Design Institute is affiliated to the world-renowned Raffles College Group. The institute has obtained both SQC and CaseTrust education quality certifications and is an educational institution with sound student welfare protection measures and high-level working mechanisms. The school mainly offers courses related to art and design, with tuition fees ranging from SGD 67,200 to SGD 79,200.

Professional recommendation:

Fashion design, product design, jewelry design, interior design, graphic design, as well as interactive digital media, animation design, and game development disciplines.

3. National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore is a school in Singapore and one of the flagship institutions of Singapore. Razer's founder, CEO and chief gamer, Min-Liang Tan, is an alumnus of the school. In the new QS World University Rankings, the National University of Singapore ranks 11th in the world, which can be said to be a very good school. However, the admission requirements of the National University of Singapore are also very high. Students can contact us for details.

Professional recommendation:

Architecture, Landscape, Urban Design, Integrated Sustainable Design, Industry

4. Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University is a world-renowned research university in Singapore. As a research-intensive university in Singapore, it has a very prominent reputation in science and engineering. However, Nanyang Technological University's art and design major is also in Singapore.

Professional recommendation:

Design Arts, Media Arts

2. Application Guide for Postgraduate Studies in Singapore

1. Postgraduate study system in Singapore

The duration of study varies depending on the nature of graduate students in Singapore. Research-based graduate students take 1.5-2 years, while taught-based graduate students take 1-1.5 years.

2. Postgraduate Types in Singapore

Postgraduate students in Singapore are divided into two types, namely research postgraduate students and taught postgraduate students. Public universities mainly offer research postgraduate students, supplemented by taught postgraduate students. Private universities mainly offer taught postgraduate students, and adopt a cooperative education approach. In recent years, taught postgraduate students have become a popular choice for studying abroad because of their shorter study period, high cost-effectiveness, and lower application difficulty than research postgraduate students.

III. The difference between research and taught postgraduates

1. From the perspective of the academic system

Research programs usually last 1.5-2 years, while taught programs last 1-1.5 years.

2. In terms of application difficulty

The application for research-based postgraduate study is more difficult than that for teaching-based postgraduate study. Students with outstanding research ability can apply for research-based postgraduate study.

3. In terms of nature

Research-based programs are mainly academic, with teaching as a supplement. They are mainly a transitional degree for PhDs. Teaching-based programs are mainly employment-based, with research as a supplement. Both programs can apply for PhDs. If your average score during the teaching period is above B+, you can directly apply for PhDs and you can be exempted from TOEFL and GRE.

4. In terms of tuition fees

Research-based programs usually have scholarships, but based on the current situation, the control is quite strict. Teaching-based programs are usually self-funded, and some programs have scholarships, but they are extremely difficult to apply for.

5. In terms of degree recognition

Both research and teaching types are recognized by the Degree Certification Center of the Ministry of Education, which can be checked on the Ministry of Education’s Foreign Affairs Supervision Network.

4. Application requirements for postgraduate students in Singapore

Application requirements for postgraduate studies at private universities in Singapore: Students must have graduated from a domestic university, hold a graduation certificate, and provide their average grades during school, which must be above 70 points. Language requirements require students to have an IELTS score of around 6.5 points.

Application requirements for graduate studies at Singapore's public universities: Students must have graduated from a domestic 211 or 985 university, hold a diploma and a bachelor's degree, and have an average grade of 80 or above. The language requirement requires an IELTS score of around 7.0.

If the student is a non-key university graduate, his/her average academic performance must be above 85 points, and the student must also have certain work experience.

5. Preparation for postgraduate study in Singapore

1. Academics: For your target major, you can focus on taking relevant courses when selecting courses, or look for opportunities to audit classes, participate in relevant academic research and competitions, to improve your knowledge and accumulation in the professional field; set clear goals, study hard to improve your GPA; prepare for language tests (IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, etc.) according to the requirements of the major, and there will be plenty of time to retake the test if the scores are not ideal;

2. Practice: For the target major, you can seek internships in companies/positions related to the major, participate in volunteer activities, student work, club activities, etc. to cultivate and improve the comprehensive abilities required for the major, while improving your understanding of future career directions.

3. The amount of deposit for each institution of higher learning in Singapore

1. Private University in Singapore

Application requirements for studying in private universities in Singapore: As long as international students have a high school degree or above, they can apply without providing language scores. The guarantee fund for studying abroad is approximately RMB 160,000.

2. Singapore Public University

Requirements for applying to a public university in Singapore: International students must be over 17 years old and must have passed Singapore's A-level exam. When applying, they only need to prepare a RMB 160,000 study abroad guarantee fund and do not need to provide language scores.

3. Singapore Polytechnic

Application requirements for studying at Singapore’s public polytechnic university: International students aged 17 and above who have passed Singapore’s O-level exams do not need to provide language scores when applying, and only need to prepare a RMB 160,000 study abroad guarantee.

4. Singapore High School

To apply for a Singaporean high school, international students are required to pass the Singapore O-level examination. They are not required to provide language scores and study abroad guarantee funds when applying.

5. Primary school transfer in Singapore

To apply for transfer to a primary school in Singapore, international students must have graduated from primary school. No language scores are required when applying. The study abroad guarantee fund is RMB 160,000.

6. Study in primary school in Singapore

Requirements for applying for primary school in Singapore: students must be between 6 and 10 years old, no language scores are required when applying, and the guarantee fund is RMB 160,000.

7. Transfer to a primary school in Singapore

Application requirements for primary school transfer in Singapore: You are not required to provide language scores or study abroad guarantee funds when applying, but you must pass the Singapore primary school transfer examination.

8. Singapore Primary School Entrance Exam Preparation Class

To apply for the primary school transfer exam preparatory class in Singapore, international students must be primary school students. No language scores are required when applying. The study abroad guarantee fund is RMB 160,000.

Summary of popular schools for studying art in Singapore

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