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Australian National University (ANU) White Paper: On-Campus Reporting Process!


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2.1 Dormitory report

reachANU, your first step is usually to report on your residence hall. During this process, you will receive your room key and learn about your residence hall rules and facilities.

(1) Reporting time: Generally speaking, the reporting time in the dormitory will be one week before the start of the semester. The exact date and time of reporting will be stated in the dormitory confirmation letter you receive.

Small tips: Arriving early can help you better adapt to the new environment and have more time to Familiarize yourself with the campus and surrounding facilities.

Small tips2: Don’t forget to bring your passport, because it may be to receive Dormitory keys and necessary documents for other formalities.

(2)Dwelling methods and differences: The school may provide different types of dormitories, such as single rooms, double rooms, or apartment-style dormitories. These different types of residence halls may have different prices, facilities, and rules.

【Note】Confirm your dormitory type and fee in your before signing a contract.

2.2 On-campus reports

Once you have settled into your dorm, you will be required to report on campus. On-campus coverage usually includes picking up your Student card, confirm your course schedule, and learn about campus Facilities and services.

(1) Bring materials: In order to report on campus, you may need to bring some materials, such as your passport, Student visa, accept Admission letter, and your Tuition Receipt.

(2) Student card: You will receive your student card when reporting on campus. This card will serve as your ID, you can use it to borrow books , access to the gym, and enjoy other Campus Services.

(3) Course confirmation: During the reporting process, you will also confirm your course arrangement. You can view your Course Schedule, to know where and when you attend classes. If you have any questions, you can ask the school's academic affairs office for help.

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