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What is the network optimization guide for playing the Chinese version of "Naraka: Bladepoint" in Australia?


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Are you a student studying in Australia, and are you keen on the domestic game "Naraka: Bladepoint"? Are you bothered by network latency and lag issues? Are you looking for a way to optimize your gaming experience? This article will provide you with some practical advice to help you enjoy Naraka: Bladepoint in Australia.

1. Understand the causes of network delay

If you are studying in Australia, you may find that network delays and freezes frequently occur when playing the Chinese version of Naraka: Bladepoint. This is mainly due to geographical reasons. The physical distance between Australia and China is far, resulting in longer data transmission time. In addition, the complexity and instability of international network lines will also affect the gaming experience. Therefore, understanding these reasons is the first step to optimize the gaming experience.

2. Choose the right Internet service provider

In Australia, it is crucial to choose a stable and high-speed Internet service provider. The quality and speed of the network provided by different ISPs (Internet Service Providers) can vary greatly. You can choose the best ISP for you by reading user reviews and testing network speeds. Additionally, using a wired connection instead of a wireless connection can significantly reduce network latency.

3. Use a return accelerator

In order to further optimize the game experience of "Eternal Tribulation", you may consider using the return accelerator. QuickFox is a return accelerator specially designed for overseas users. It can help you connect to domestic servers with one click, significantly reducing network latency. After using QuickFox, you can easily access various domestic applications and resources to improve the smoothness and stability of the game.

4. What tips/difficulties will you encounter when using domestic software overseas?

**Q: Why do I encounter access restrictions when using domestic software in Australia? **

A: Due to geographical location and network lines, overseas users may encounter access restrictions when using domestic software. These restrictions may manifest as problems such as failure to load content and slow access speed.

**Q: Can using QuickFox solve these problems? **

A: Yes, using QuickFox can help you connect to the Internet in China with one click, solving the problem of access restrictions. You can use domestic software and resources normally, improving the overall user experience.

**Q: Is it safe to use a return accelerator? **

A: Most accelerators, such as QuickFox, use encryption technology to protect the privacy and security of user data. Therefore, you can use them with confidence.

5. Optimize game settings

In addition to network optimization, adjusting game settings is also an important step to improve the experience of "Naraka: Bladepoint". You can adjust the game's image quality, resolution, and special effects settings according to your hardware configuration to achieve the best balance. In addition, closing unnecessary background programs and applications can also free up more system resources and improve game performance.


If you are studying in Australia, you can significantly improve the gaming experience of "Everlasting" by understanding the causes of network delays, choosing a suitable network service provider, using a return accelerator such as QuickFox, and optimizing game settings. Although geographical location and network line restrictions are inevitable, through these methods, you can still play this Chinese game overseas. I hope the suggestions in this article are helpful to you, and I wish you a happy game!

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