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How to play the Chinese version of "Naraka: Bladepoint" in Australia without being affected by high latency?


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Are you a student studying in Australia, and are you keen on the domestic game "Naraka: Bladepoint"? Are you bothered by network latency and lag issues? Are you looking for a way to optimize your gaming experience? This article will provide you with some practical advice to help you enjoy Naraka: Bladepoint in Australia.

1. Causes of network delay

Students studying in Australia often encounter network delays, especially when playing domestic games. The main reasons for network delays include geographical distance, the quality of network service providers, and the stability of international network lines. Due to the long geographical distance between Australia and China, data transmission needs to go through multiple nodes, which leads to increased latency. In addition, Australian network service providers may not be able to provide the same network quality as in China, which will also affect the gaming experience.

2. Choose the right Internet service provider

In Australia, choosing a suitable Internet service provider is the first step to optimize your gaming experience. Different service providers have great differences in network speed and stability. You can choose the service provider that best suits you by checking user reviews and testing network speed. In addition, choosing a high-bandwidth network package can also effectively reduce network latency.

3. Use a return accelerator

In order to further optimize the gaming experience of Naraka: Bladepoint, using a return accelerator is a very effective method. QuickFox is a return accelerator designed for overseas users. It can help you connect to the domestic network with one click, thereby greatly reducing network latency. After using QuickFox, you can easily access various domestic applications and resources, and the gaming experience will be smoother.

4. What tips/difficulties will you encounter when using domestic software overseas?

Q: Why do I get access restriction prompts when using domestic software in Australia?

A: Due to geographical location and network restrictions, overseas users may encounter access restrictions when using domestic software. This is because the servers of these software are mainly located in China, and overseas users' access requests need to go through complex international network lines, resulting in slow access or restrictions.

Q: How do I resolve these restricted access issues?

A: Using a return accelerator is an effective solution. With a return accelerator such as QuickFox, you can connect to the domestic network with one click, thus bypassing these restrictions and using domestic software and resources smoothly.

5. Optimize game settings

In addition to network optimization, adjusting game settings is also an important step to improve the gaming experience of Naraka: Bladepoint. You can optimize game settings in the following ways:

1. **Reduce the game quality**: Although high-quality graphics can bring a better visual experience, it will also increase the system burden and cause game lag. Appropriately reducing the quality can improve the smoothness of the game.
2. **Close unnecessary background programs**: Programs running in the background will occupy system resources and affect game performance. Closing unnecessary programs can free up more resources for the game.
3. **Update graphics driver**: Make sure your graphics driver is the latest version, which can improve game performance and stability.


Students studying in Australia can greatly improve their gaming experience in Naraka: Bladepoint by understanding the causes of network latency, choosing the right network service provider, using a return accelerator, and optimizing game settings. QuickFox, as an excellent return accelerator, can help you connect to the domestic network with one click, solving the problems of network latency and limited access. I hope the suggestions in this article can help you play Naraka: Bladepoint in Australia and enjoy a smooth gaming experience.

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