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What should I do if I am a student at Stanford and want to play Honor of Kings with high latency?

News, Information2024.08.28

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Students studying abroad at Stanford University, especially those who love playing the game "Honor of Kings", may encounter a headache:DelayHigh latency not only affectsGamesexperience, which may also lead to mistakes in the game. So, how can Stanford international students solve this problem? This article will explore this issue from multiple perspectives and provide some practical solutions.


If you are studying abroad at Stanford University,whetherHave you ever lost in "Honor of Kings" because of high latency? Are you curious about why there is a delay when playing domestic games abroad? Do you want to know how to reduce latency and improve the gaming experience? Have you heard of "return to China VPN" but are not sure if it works? Are you looking for a simple and effective way to solve this problem? This article will answer these questions for you one by one.

Background Information

"Honor of Kings" is a multiplayer online battle arena game that is popular all over the world, especially in China. However, for students studying abroad at Stanford University, due to different geographical locations and network environments, they often encounter high latency problems when playing "Honor of Kings". This not only affects the gaming experience, but may also lead to mistakes in the game, and even affect the player's mood and social life.

Detailed discussion

Problem Analysis

The main reason for high latency is the difference in geographical location and network environment. Stanford University is located in the United States, while the servers of Honor of Kings are mainly in China. Data transmission needs to go through multiple nodes, which causes latency. In addition, network congestion and unstable network connection are also one of the reasons for high latency.


According to industry experts, using a "return to China VPN" is one of the effective ways to solve the high latency problem. Return to China VPN can help users connect to the game through a Chinese server, thereby reducing the time and nodes of data transmission and reducing latency. QuickFox is a return to China accelerator software designed specifically for overseas users, which can easily solve the problem of not being able to access domestic apps or networks.

Interactive Questions

  • Why is there a delay when playing domestic games abroad?
  • Can using a VPN to return to China really reduce latency?
  • What VPNs are recommended for returning to China?
  • Besides using a VPN, are there other ways to reduce latency?


Based on the previous analysis, here are some specific solutions:

  • Use a VPN to return to China: Choose a reliable VPN to return to China, such as QuickFox, which can effectively reduce latency.
  • Optimize your network connection: Make sure your network connection is stable and avoid using public Wi-Fi.
  • Adjust game settings: reduce game image quality and special effects to reduce network requirements.
  • Clean your device regularly: clean your phone cache and unnecessary apps to improve device performance.

Repatriation VPN

QuickFox is a VPN software that helps overseas users easily solve the problem of not being able to access domestic apps or networks. Using QuickFox, you can connect to "Honor of Kings" through a Chinese server, thereby reducing the time and nodes of data transmission and significantly reducing latency.

Question and answer section


  • ask:Will using a VPN to return to China affect the use of other apps?
    answer:No, returning to China VPN will only affect the specific apps you choose.
  • ask:Is VPN safe when returning to China?
    answer:Most VPNs for returning to China are safe, but when choosing, be sure to choose a service provider with a good reputation.
  • ask:Will using a VPN to return to China increase data usage?
    answer:There will be some increase, but it's usually not too noticeable.

List examples

Xiao Ming is a student studying abroad at Stanford University. He loves "Honor of Kings", but has always been troubled by high latency. Later, he used QuickFox VPN, which significantly reduced latency and greatly improved his gaming experience. Xiao Ming said that after using VPN, he no longer made mistakes due to latency, and his gaming performance has also improved significantly.


Through this article, we have explored in detail the reasons why students studying abroad at Stanford University encounter high latency issues when playing Honor of Kings, and provided some practical solutions. Using a VPN back home, such as QuickFox, is one of the effective ways to solve the high latency problem. I hope this article can provide you with valuable insights and enhance your gaming experience.

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