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What should I do if the Chinese version of the PC game "Naraka: Bladepoint" has high latency when I play it in Japan? Is a network accelerator useful when I return to China?


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在日本的游戏玩家们,你们有没有在玩国服《永劫无间》时,经历过那种仿佛灵魂出窍般的延迟?就像有玩家打趣说:“我挥刀砍向敌人,结果延迟让我看起来像在跳机械舞,敌人都跑了,我的刀还在半空呢!”这种高延迟问题真是让人哭笑不得。那么,到底是什么原因导致了这个问题呢?它对我们的游戏体验影响有多大?不同玩家在日本不同地区玩,情况又会有何不同?这里面有没有潜在的风险呢?又有哪些办法可以摆脱高延迟的困扰呢?还有,回国 网络 加速器对解决这个问题真的有用吗?这些问题是不是像谜团一样,吸引着你想要一探究竟呢?

Naraka: Bladepoint Information

"Naraka: Bladepoint" is a unique buyout multiplayer action competitive game that combines the gameplay elements of MMORPG and battle royale. Its game graphics are exquisite, whether it is the quaint buildings or the delicate and realistic character modeling, it creates a martial arts world like a visual feast for players. In terms of competitiveness, the game requires players to have superb operating skills. Close combat knife fighting, long-range shooting, and the timing of skill release are all related to victory or defeat. It is also very social. Players can form teams to participate in the battle and survive to the end through tacit cooperation in the battle. In China, "Naraka: Bladepoint" quickly became popular and attracted a large number of players. Its unique gameplay and constantly updated content have kept it popular.

However, for overseas Chinese, international students, and business travelers in Japan, playing the Chinese version of "Naraka: Bladepoint" faces considerable challenges. High latency and unstable connection are the most prominent problems. High latency will cause players to lag seriously in combat, such as being unable to react in time when dodging enemy attacks, and releasing skills intermittently. This will also affect teamwork in team games, destroying the entire gaming experience and making the originally tense and exciting battles boring. By searching player feedback and game forum discussions, we can find that these problems make manyOverseas PlayersIt's miserable.


网络 加速器是一种运用先进网络技术来优化网络连接的工具。从技术类型来看,主要有基于 Open网络、WireGuard 等协议的不同分类。它的功能丰富多样,对于玩家而言,速度提升功能至关重要。它通过优化网络节点的选择和数据传输路径,有效减少游戏数据在网络中传输的延迟,使玩家的操作能更快地反馈到游戏服务器。数据加密功能则像是给玩家的网络活动加上了一层坚固的护盾,保护玩家的个人信息和网络隐私,防止在网络传输过程中被窃取。节点选择功能赋予玩家自主选择权,玩家可以根据自己所处的地理位置和当地网络环境,选择最合适的服务器节点,进一步提升网络连接质量。Related images

对于海外玩家玩国服游戏而言,网络 加速器是改善游戏网络状况的重要手段。但在使用过程中,玩家必须严格遵守日本当地的法律法规和 网络 服务协议,确保合法合规使用,避免给自己带来不必要的法律风险。

Ask a Question

How high is the network bandwidth requirement for a game like "Naraka: Bladepoint" which has extremely high operational requirements?

网络 加速器会不会破坏游戏内公平竞技的环境?

有没有适合《永劫无间》的免费 网络 加速器呢?

在日本不同城市的网络环境下,网络 加速器的效果会有多大差异?

使用 网络 加速器玩游戏,会不会被游戏官方监测到异常情况呢?

Problem Discussion

The high latency problem when playing the domestic version of "Naraka: Bladepoint" in Japan is caused by a variety of complex factors. From the perspective of network architecture factors, international network links are complex and changeable. Data needs to pass through multiple network nodes when transmitted from Japan to domestic game servers. Packet loss and delay are very likely to occur during this process. The routing strategies of different network service providers are also different. Some routing strategies may limit the transmission speed of game data, just like setting different speed limit signs on highways. From the perspective of game server settings, the server is located in China and is far away from Japan, which increases the signal transmission time and causes delays. In addition, the load balancing of the server will also affect the player's connection quality. If the server load is too high, the player's gaming experience will inevitably be affected. In addition, the difference in the performance of the player's own device and the quality of the local network will also aggravate the delay problem to a certain extent. For example, old devices may not be able to process game data quickly, and players in areas with network congestion are more likely to encounter high latency.

网络 加速器虽然可以在一定程度上缓解高延迟问题,但也并非毫无隐患。一些质量不佳的 网络 加速器可能存在安全漏洞,比如信息泄露风险,这可能导致玩家的账号信息、个人隐私暴露在危险之中。而且,如果使用不符合游戏规则的 网络 加速器,游戏官方可能会将其识别为异常行为,从而对玩家账号进行处罚。同时,不同的 网络 加速器在服务器质量、节点数量和优化算法等方面存在差异,这些差异会直接影响它们对高延迟问题的改善效果,优质的 网络 加速器能够更精准地优化网络,而劣质的可能效果甚微甚至适得其反。


To solve the problem of playing "Naraka: Bladepoint" in JapanHigh latency in Chinese serversThere are some general methods to solve the problem. First of all, you should choose a regular and reliable network optimization tool, just like choosing sophisticated equipment when choosing weapons. Avoid using software from unknown sources to avoid falling into the quagmire of network security problems. At the same time, ensure the stability of the device and network environment, such as closing unnecessary background programs, updating the drivers of network devices, creating a good environment for game operation, and reducing the interference of other programs on the game network.

by QuickFox 为例,它是一款专门为海外用户设计的回国 网络 加速器软件,是解决海外玩家玩国服游戏网络问题的得力助手。对于海外玩家来说,像 QuickFox 这样的回国 网络 加速器就像是一把打开顺畅游戏体验之门的钥匙。它通过其先进的技术和优质的服务器资源,有效解决了在国外玩国服游戏时的高延迟问题。下载 QuickFox 要在官方网站进行,这是确保安全的关键步骤,避免下载到恶意软件。安装完成后,按照提示进行简单的注册和登录流程。登录后,在设置界面可以看到多种模式,对于《永劫无间》这种动作竞技类游戏,选择游戏模式。然后根据自己在日本的网络环境,比如在东京、大阪等大城市网络较好的地区,可以选择速度较快的服务器节点;在一些网络信号稍弱的地区,则可以选择优化程度更高的节点,从而获得更好的游戏体验。

在选择其他 网络 加速器时,要重点关注几个关键因素。服务器质量是首要考量因素,优质的服务器就像稳固的桥梁,能够提供更稳定、快速的网络连接。节点数量也不容忽视,更多的节点意味着更多的选择,玩家可以根据不同的网络情况灵活调整。优化算法先进的 网络 加速器就像拥有智慧大脑,能更有效地提升网络速度。此外,参考其他用户的评价也是重要的一环,口碑良好的产品往往更值得信赖,可以降低使用风险。


问:网络 加速器会消耗大量手机流量吗?

A: Generally, it will not consume too much data, but long-term use may cause certain consumption. Players need to pay attention to the mobile data package.

问:使用回国 网络 加速器后游戏更新会受影响吗?

答:正常情况下,如果 网络 加速器稳定且符合游戏要求,不会对游戏更新产生影响。

问:如果 网络 加速器出现故障怎么办?

答:首先检查自己的网络设置是否正常,若网络正常,可以联系 网络 加速器的客服寻求帮助。

问:不同游戏对 网络 加速器有特殊要求吗?

答:是的,不同类型的游戏,如对延迟敏感的竞技游戏和对稳定性要求高的角色扮演游戏,对 网络 加速器的要求不同。

问:网络 加速器能同时用于多个设备玩游戏吗?

答:这取决于 网络 加速器的功能和服务协议,部分支持多设备同时使用,部分则不支持。

List examples

Case 1: Xiao Li, who is studying in Japan, is a loyal player of Naraka: Bladepoint and goes to school in Tokyo. When he played the game before, the delay was often as high as more than 200 milliseconds. In fierce battles, he was often defeated by the enemy due to the delay in operation, especially when fighting with swords and dodging big moves. Later, he used QuickFox and selected the appropriate node according to the network environment in Tokyo, and then the delay was reduced to about 80 milliseconds. Now he can operate more smoothly in the game, whether chasing enemies or dodging attacks, he is more comfortable, and the gaming experience has been greatly improved.

案例二:在日本出差的张先生,在名古屋工作之余喜欢玩《永劫无间》。他之前遇到网络连接不稳定,经常出现丢包的情况,导致游戏频繁卡顿,严重影响了他的游戏体验。使用了一款口碑不错的 网络 加速器后,按照提示选择了适合名古屋网络环境的服务器节点,丢包情况明显减少,游戏变得流畅起来,他可以更好地享受游戏中的竞技乐趣,和队友的配合也更加默契。

案例三:在日本工作的华人王女士,热衷于《永劫无间》的组队模式,但由于高延迟,她在团队作战中总是拖后腿,比如不能及时给队友支援,技能释放也不及时。她尝试了几种 网络 加速器后,选择了一款服务器质量高、节点多的产品,通过调整设置,将延迟从 150 多毫秒降低到了 60 毫秒左右。现在她在团队作战中的表现出色,能够及时响应队友的需求,为团队做出更大的贡献,重新找回了游戏的乐趣。


本文详细讨论了在日本玩国服《永劫无间》高延迟的问题,分析了问题产生的原因,包括网络架构、游戏服务器设置以及玩家自身设备和网络环境等因素。同时介绍了 网络 加速器在解决这一问题中的作用和使用方法,强调了选择正规产品如 QuickFox 的重要性,以及选择其他 网络 加速器时要关注服务器质量、节点数量和优化算法等要点,并参考用户评价。通过案例展示,我们可以清晰地看到合适的解决方案对提升游戏体验的显著效果。

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