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I am playing the Chinese version of "Shenwu Fantasy OL" in Estonia. The PC version has high latency. Can the game accelerator help alleviate this problem when I return to China?

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Playing the national server in EstoniaShenwu Fantasy OL》, manyPlayerYou may encounter high latency issues, which isGames体验造成了不小的影响。本文将探讨如何通过使用回国网络Acceleratorto alleviate this problem and provide valuable insights to overseas Chinese, international students, and people traveling abroad on business.

Game Introduction

"Shenwu Fantasy OL" is a popular domestic PC game that has attracted a large number of players with its exquisite graphics and rich plot. However, for overseas players, they often encounter high latency issues when connecting to the domestic server. This not only affects the smoothness of the game, but may also cause delays in game operations, affecting the overall experience of the players.

Under the current network environment, overseas users cannot directly access domestic game servers for various reasons. This situation is particularly evident in places such as Estonia, and players are in urgent need of a solution to improve their gaming experience.


网络加速器是一种能够优化网络连接的工具,特别适用于需要连接到特定地区服务器的用户。通过改变用户的网络路径,网络加速器可以有效降低延迟,提高连接速度。对于在海外玩国服游戏的玩家来说,网络加速器无疑是一个值得考虑的选择。Related images

Encountering a problem

The high latency problem is mainly due to geographical restrictions and the complexity of network transmission paths. Estonia is far away from China, and data needs to pass through multiple nodes during transmission, which increases latency. In addition, network congestion and unstable international links may also cause latency problems.

Interactive Q&A

1. Why is there high latency when playing Chinese server games in Estonia?
- Mainly due to the complexity of geographical location and network transmission paths.

2. 网络加速器如何帮助降低延迟?
- Reduce the number of nodes for data transmission by optimizing network paths.

3. 使用网络加速器会影响游戏的安全性吗?
- 选择可靠的网络服务商可以确保数据传输的安全性。

4. 所有网络加速器都能有效降低延迟吗?
- 并非所有网络加速器都能提供同样的效果,选择合适的服务商很重要。



- 选择合适的网络服务商:确保服务商提供稳定的连接和良好的用户评价。
- 安装并配置网络软件:根据服务商提供的指南进行安装和配置。
- Connect to a domestic server: Select a domestic node that is closer to the game server.
- Test your connection: Use the in-game latency test feature to check if latency has improved.



在爱沙尼亚工作的李先生是一名《神舞幻想 OL》的忠实玩家。他曾因高延迟问题而苦恼不已。在朋友的推荐下,他尝试使用QuickFox回国网络加速器。经过简单的设置后,李先生发现游戏的延迟明显降低,操作更加流畅,游戏体验得到了极大的提升。


通过本文的探讨,我们了解到在爱沙尼亚玩国服《神舞幻想 OL》时,高延迟问题可以通过使用回国网络加速器来有效缓解。选择合适的网络服务商,如QuickFox,可以显著改善游戏体验。未来,随着技术的进步和网络基础设施的改善,海外玩家的游戏体验有望进一步提升。对于仍在寻找解决方案的玩家,尝试使用回国网络加速器或许是一个不错的选择。

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