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What to do if your U.S. study visa is rejected? | U.S. study visa renewal

U.S. Student Visa2022.07.14

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When applying to study in the United States, the biggest problem you encounter is the visa issue, especially after the visa is not approved, it is often rejected. So, what should you do if the US study visa is rejected? The following is aboutWhat should I do if my US study visa is rejected?US Student Visa Renewal, ,US Embassy Student Visa, ,Does a US student visa require an interview?, ,Five-year US study visa, ,U.S. study visa interview materialsThe problem.


What should I do if my U.S. study visa is rejected?

1. What should I do if my U.S. study visa is rejected?

1. Weaken the problems in previous failure experiences

The visa officer may be very confident that the previous refusal was correct. You need to think about how to *the previous result and make him believe that it was a misunderstanding or even a mistake. He may hold on to the previous result, so please do not lose confidence. The visa officer only records the reason for the refusal on the OF-156 form, but will not record the details of the conversation. You can downplay or weaken the reason for the last refusal, make a big deal out of a small matter, and then emphasize that there are good reasons that were not mentioned to win the visa this time.

2. Recall your own shortcomings in the interview

You can recall carefully what problems you encountered during the communication with the visa officer, such as the visa officer mistaking your answer for your immigration intention, or problems with oral communication. If you stutter and have a confused mind, the visa officer will think you do not have enough communication skills, which will eventually lead to rejection. Therefore, after the interview fails, you should recall the problems you encountered, re-evaluate yourself, and make targeted improvements. If you fail in the same place twice, it will be particularly unprofitable.

3. Find out the visa officer’s taste

Sometimes, you have prepared all the materials, but ultimately you still fail at the hands of the visa officer. This situation is quite embarrassing. Therefore, before re-applying for a visa, it is necessary to make some careful observations of the visa officer. If your English is good enough, you can lead the visa officer into your train of thought and let him ask questions and investigate you according to your ideas. This can also effectively increase your success rate of re-applying for a visa.

4. Additional letter of appeal

In most cases, the most common reason for visa rejection is that the visa officer believes that your answer reveals a strong tendency to immigrate, which affects the visa officer's judgment of you and ultimately rejects your entry application. At this time, a letter of appeal expressing your strong desire to return to China is very necessary. When re-signing, some clichés, such as "I love my motherland", are generally not used. You should be specific about what job you will do in China and in which department; what is the inevitable connection between studying in the United States and your development in China. Let the visa officer hear clearly, but want to know more, so that you can lead the visa officer's thinking. When answering the reason for returning to China, you can also specifically link it to a role model.

5. Recheck your application materials

Sometimes, everyone may not miss the basic materials. Problems may appear in the details. Many students may be rejected because the visa officer believes that they may not have enough ability to survive in the United States and may be at risk of working illegally. In this case, there is no need to panic. There is no need to make a big fuss about adding the amount of proof of funds. You only need to add relevant materials such as your own car, real estate, and financial management in your application materials, which will make the visa officer think that you have enough ability to survive in China and increase the chance of success. If the visa officer thinks that your other strengths are not enough, you can add a fax from an American professor, a letter of recommendation from your current tutor, etc. When re-signing, the visa officer mainly looks at the newly added materials to see if you have re-proven yourself in a targeted manner. As long as you spend enough time on these materials, your re-signing rate will be greatly improved.

2. Interpretation of language requirements for studying in the United States

1. Language requirements for high school students studying in the United States

The language admission requirements for Chinese students in American high schools are relatively loose, and generally require a TOEFL score of 550 or above. If the language score does not meet the requirements, or if you do not take the TOEFL test, the school will generally require the applicant to participate in a telephone interview organized by the school's admission committee. If you are admitted, you will generally have to take the school's entrance English proficiency test after admission, and participate in different levels of ESL (English as a Second Language) courses set up by the school based on the test results. The duration of study varies from person to person and English foundation, and is about half a year to a year.

Academic performance requirements:

When applying for a high school in the United States, applicants are required to provide their academic records for the past three years. For example, if a student who is in the first year of high school wants to continue studying in the United States, he or she needs to provide all the academic records for high school and junior high school. The average score must be above 75-80%.

2. Undergraduate Language Requirements

The language requirements of American universities vary greatly. Ivy League schools generally require TOEFL scores of 600 or above, while other schools require TOEFL scores of 580, 550, or 500. If you meet the requirements, you can directly enter the university undergraduate program. If your TOEFL score does not meet the above requirements, or you do not have a TOEFL score, you can first attend a language training class at the university, pass the school language test, and then start formal undergraduate studies. The length of time you spend in a language training class depends on the student's language foundation.

Academic performance requirements:

There are considerable differences in admissions standards and acceptance rates among American universities and colleges. Since the American education system emphasizes broad knowledge, it is also important that your secondary school studies include English, mathematics, natural sciences (physics, chemistry and/or biology), humanities or social sciences (history, geography, economics, political science or similar subjects), and a foreign language. Lastly, American universities usually do not accept international students under the age of 17. Some of these admissions requirements are rigid, while others are flexible.

The recommendation letter from the high school principal and another teacher or senior person is a material that introduces the student's comprehensive situation and comprehensive ability. Although it has a certain personal color, American colleges and universities, especially key universities, attach great importance to this material. It is worth mentioning that not all high school graduates can get a recommendation letter from the principal. Only those students with good character and academic performance can get this important weight for admission to excellent universities. In addition, the content of the recommendation letter written by the principal is generally very cautious and objective. If the recommendation letter is too exaggerated, the principal's future recommendation letters will lose their effectiveness forever. This fully reflects the fairness and objectivity of admissions to American universities.

other request:

For freshmen and sophomores and college graduates who are preparing to transfer to an American university to pursue a bachelor's degree, they need to provide both high school and college transcripts and a reliable study plan for changing majors or not, and the school admissions committee will conduct a comprehensive evaluation. The language requirements are the same as above.

III. Language requirements for master's and doctoral degrees:

TOEFL 550-600 or above, or IELTS 6.0 or above. GRE 1750-2100 or above, or GMAT 500-700 or above. (Currently, 380 American universities accept IELTS scores)

Material preparation:

1. School Application Form

2.Copy of TOEFL score report and mailing form

3. If possible, provide a copy of the GMAT score report and the shipping form

4. If possible, provide a copy of the GRE score report and the shipping form

5. Transcripts for each semester during college (in Chinese and English),

6. Resume

7. Study Plan

8. Three letters of recommendation from professors or scholars

9. Bank deposit certificate of the applicant or his/her parents’ USD or RMB deposit

10. Copy of ID card or passport

Applying to study in the United States generally requires submitting an application form, application fee, transcript, property certificate, English scores, personal application, recommendation letter, etc. However, the materials submitted will vary according to the specific circumstances of different schools and applicants. Have a comprehensive understanding of the school, or consult relevant educational institutions or experts in advance.

3. Application process for studying in the United States

1. Determine your goals in the US study application process

The first step is to determine what stage and direction of study in the United States. This is the first step in the application process for studying in the United States. The stage of studying in the United States is basically to study for an undergraduate degree or a master's degree. At this stage, you should determine your future plans. Universities are generally private universities, public universities, and community colleges. These schools have huge differences in tuition fees, teaching quality, faculty, majors, etc., so students must have a basic idea.

2. Preparation of test scores for the US study application process

Regardless of which stage of application you are applying for, you will need to prepare test scores, and the test scores you prepare for at different stages are also very different. This is the most important part of the application process for studying in the United States, because it determines the basis for choosing a school major.

Undergraduate: language scores (TOEFL or IELTS), grades in all subjects in high school, GPA, and US college entrance exam scores (SAT or ACT)

Graduate student stage: language scores (TOEFL or IELTS scores), GPA scores, graduate entrance examination scores (GRE scores), and some special professional examinations (GMAT, LAST).

3. Preparation of documents for the application process of studying in the United States

Application documents mainly include resumes, personal statements, letters of recommendation, etc. These are mainly to prove that the applicant's personal ability is suitable for studying at the school, so that the admissions office can understand the special features of the application and attract the school to admit. In addition to these materials, prizes, medals, certificates, etc. won in large-scale competitions are also important materials that reflect the applicant's ability. Documents are as important as test scores in the application process of studying in the United States.

4. Narrowing down your application goals in the US study application process

After getting the test scores, you can make a preliminary school screening based on the scores (screening based on the selections made in the first step of the application process for studying in the United States). You can divide them into three types: backup schools, suitable schools, and sprint schools. Then when choosing a school, you can also refer to the school's ranking, the school's geographical location, the safety of the location, the school's fees, the school's faculty, the number of scholarships, and other factors. When choosing a major, you still have to choose according to your own preferences and wishes. Each university has different advantageous majors, so when choosing a major, don't blindly pursue the top 50 schools on the list, and don't follow the crowd and choose a major you don't like.

5. US study application process - school fee payment

You need to pay a certain fee to the school when you apply and when your application is approved. This is part of the payment process for studying in the United States. When applying, you need to pay a non-refundable application fee to each school, which is generally no more than $100. Many schools will require students who need to study and stay in school to pay tuition in advance, which can generally be paid online or at a bank counter.

6. Subsequent materials for the US study application process

After successfully applying and paying the fees, you will receive a school admission letter from the school. If you apply for dual admission, you will also receive a language school admission letter. After receiving the letter, you need to prepare the following documents in the application process for studying in the United States.

Certificate of Deposit for Studying in the United States: The certificate of deposit for studying in the United States is to show that the applicant can pay all expenses during the study in the United States. The amount of money is generally stored based on the number of years of study and the annual study expenses, and needs to be frozen for 3-6 months.

Passport: Required when entering or leaving the country. You can also use your passport number when purchasing airline tickets to ensure the validity of your passport.

U.S. study visa: The U.S. study visa is a document that students going to study in the United States must apply for. Generally, there are two types: "F" and "M".

7. Preparation before the US study application process

Buy plane tickets and prepare accommodation: Non-resident students need to find a place to live in advance. If you arrive at school early, you need to book a hotel.

What to do if your US study visa is rejected? Summary

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