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Interpretation of the process of studying in American high schools | Interview process of American study visa

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The United States has a high quality of education and is one of the top countries for parents to send their children to study abroad. The following is a list of information aboutInterpretation of the process of studying in American high schoolsUS study visa interview process, ,High school study in the United States process, ,Application process for studying in the United States, ,Study in the United States and return to China to settle down, ,The process of studying in the United States after admissionThe problem.


Interpretation of the process of studying in American high schools

Interpretation of the process of studying in American high schools

1. Rank your favorite schools

You can rank the schools you want to attend and the schools you are confident of applying to, and then use the schools with lower rankings as an application attempt. The same goes for interviews. When planning to go to schools for interviews, put the schools you don't plan to go to first and use this interview as practice. Of course, don't let on that you are just using it for practice during the application process.

2. Research the school

When applying, you must learn more about the schools, and then find the schools you want to go to, or the ones that suit you best. Of course, you also have to choose a backup school, just in case you can't get into the school you want, there are still schools you can apply to. The rest of the schools are just to familiarize yourself with the application process. Of course, no matter which school you apply to, you have to determine which exams you need to take for admission to the school.

The second step is to prepare the application form, which is usually downloaded from the school website or obtained directly from the school. Students also have to read the school's student handbook and course guide, and then read them carefully to understand what kind of scholarships the school has, etc. It is possible to visit the school in person.

Please note that when applying, there are some forms that your teachers must fill out, such as recommendation letters for different subjects. Your parents also have to fill out forms, which usually include the student's strengths and weaknesses, what they hope their children will learn, etc. These two forms are used by the school to determine how to arrange suitable dormitories for students and other matters.

Regardless of whether you apply early or not, submitting your application and transcripts on time shows that you take the application seriously. You should also schedule interviews and school visits.

3. Take the interview seriously

The interview is also a way to understand whether the school is really suitable for you, and the school can also be used to understand what kind of person the student is. Then you need to understand the school's scholarships and apply for them, determine what kind of scholarships the school has, and what you should do to get the scholarship.

4. Determine the school's academic requirements and then arrange time to take the exam

These exams include SSAT, ISEE, TOEF, etc. Some schools also have their own exams, which are generally used to determine what class a student should be placed in. Such exams usually begin after the student is admitted and confirmed to take them.

5. After submitting the application, please wait patiently for a while before receiving the notification.

You will usually know the result of your application by the end of May. If you are on the waiting list of a school, the deadline is usually after the school confirms that you do not plan to choose other schools. Then you must choose to go to the school you are admitted to.

Further reading: How to reduce the cost of studying in the United States

1. Confirm the regional environment

In the United States, different states and cities have different levels of economic development, which has a great impact on prices. Therefore, even schools with similar teaching levels and actual rankings will have relatively large differences in the tuition fees for professional studies.

Therefore, students who want to save money can choose a city with a slightly remote geographical location. In this way, the tuition fees they need to prepare will be relatively cheaper, and the quality of teaching they can receive will not be much different. The most obvious difference will be the provision of living infrastructure.

In addition, you can also divide your learning stages. You can first go to a community college to receive basic education, and then transfer to the college of your choice. This can save a lot of expenses because the tuition at community colleges is very cheap.

2. Prepare your bonus application

There are generally three types of projects that students can obtain, including Need Based, which is more suitable for American students, Merit Based, which is suitable for international students from all over the world, and Need Blind, which is suitable for students with outstanding abilities.

When you apply to a school, you can ask whether scholarships are available. If they are offered, you must apply hard. Generally, places are awarded according to the proportion of students. Except for special projects, most of them are awarded according to students' abilities.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to go to the official website to obtain resources. Colleges and universities that can provide students with relatively rich scholarships should be everyone’s first choice. In addition, it depends on the funding and financial support provided by the government to the school.

3. Buy second-hand books

The tuition fees you pay to the school do not include the books you need to use in class. All books need to be purchased by yourself. These are not very expensive, but you can also save money from it because the physical books here are relatively expensive.

It is generally recommended that you purchase second-hand books, or borrow them directly from the library. These are both cost-effective ways, and are also easier for everyone to obtain. To purchase second-hand books, you can go to the website or directly contact seniors.

Further reading: What does the US study interview mainly test?

1. Check the authenticity of your materials

In recent years, as the number of international student applicants has increased day by day, we have seen cases of falsified application materials frequently. Not long ago, UCI rescinded the admission qualifications of 500 students at the beginning of the fall semester, of which 290 students were suspected of falsifying their grades.

Therefore, colleges and universities will set such a final "threshold" for international students before admission. The admissions officers will use several questions to verify the consistency and authenticity of the materials you provide.

2. Check your communication skills

Many interviewers have found that domestic students often have relatively high TOEFL scores, but find it difficult to get rid of Chinglish thinking and have certain deficiencies in expression.

3. Examine your match with the school

During the lecture, the instructor compared the interview to a "blind date". "During the interview, we all start with basic questions, followed by a natural communication process. This process is the process of us getting to know each other, and in this process we can judge whether there is a connection between us." In fact, one of the meanings of an interview is that the school uses a few questions to see whether the students are a match for us.

4. Examine your uniqueness

In today's information-rich world, you can easily find all kinds of interview templates on the Internet, and many international students will deliberately "imitate" the situations of students who have passed the interviews. As a result, everyone's extracurricular activity background and answer content are exactly the same, making it particularly difficult for admissions officers to make decisions because every child is similar.

So during the admissions process we found that there was no big difference among all the applicants, but we often chose the applicant who was different from others. In my opinion, the most important thing is whether you have the ability to know yourself and the vision to contribute to society, the country, and the world.

Summary of the Study Abroad Process in American High Schools

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