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Visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States | Materials for studying in American high schools

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The application for a US study visa requires four types of materials, namely submission materials, learning ability materials, binding materials and scholarship materials. Only when the above materials are prepared in full and in compliance with regulations can you successfully obtain a US study visa.Visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States,US high school study materials, ,Visa materials for studying in the United States, ,Materials for studying in the United States, ,How to submit materials for studying in the United StatesThe problem.


Visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States

Visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States

1. Submitting Materials

As the name implies, the submitted materials refer to the materials that need to be submitted on the day of applying for a US study visa. They include passport, 1-20 form, DS-160 confirmation page and SEVISFEE receipt. 1-20 form is issued by the school you are about to attend; DS-160 form needs to be filled out online, and the confirmation page can be printed out after submission; SEVISFEE receipt can be printed by yourself. The above materials are submitted when applying for a visa.

2. Learning Ability Materials

Chinese and English proof of enrollment/degree certificate, graduation certificate, student ID, Chinese and English transcript, GT transcript, personal resume, study plan, admission notice, tutor profile and department profile are all required. It is better to include personal resume in one item, avoiding sensitive words. If there is no G/T official transcript, bring a printout. The study plan mainly includes why you go to the United States to study? Why choose this school and major, your qualifications, study plan during school, and return plan after graduation. All information must revolve around self-2 non-immigrants and prove sufficient sources of funds. If you do not receive a paper version of the admission letter from an American school, you can print the admission email by yourself to replace the official document. The tutor profile is also asked by many visa officers. Some schools do not assign tutors after admission. It is recommended that students go to the school website to find the intended tutor. At the same time, you should also print a copy of the department profile of the admitted school to facilitate the visa officer to understand your future study direction.

3. Binding Materials

Household registration booklet, property certificate and photos of your family members. The purpose of preparing this binding material is to prove that you are going to the United States to study, not the position of the Immigration and Civil Affairs Bureau, to show that you have fixed assets and family ties in the country, and to confirm your intention to return to China after graduation.

4. Funding Materials

Proof of deposit, recent letter of financial support from parents, car certificate, deposit certificate, passbook and tax receipt, other investment materials (stocks, funds, etc.). If parents run a company, also bring the company's business license, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, bank statement, company bank slip, company profile. The amount required for the deposit certificate is generally more than RMB 600,000; parents' income certificate must be authentic and cannot be forged. The United States is a country that attaches great importance to integrity; the letter of financial support is provided by the sponsor to prove the support of the funds, and it needs to be in English.

Among them, the first three materials are required materials. The purpose of the above materials is to more completely prove that your family has sufficient funds to pay for the student's study abroad expenses. The more fully you prepare the materials for the US study visa, the more favorable it is for the visa. So students should not be afraid of trouble. Prepare all the materials you can provide in advance, which will be beneficial to the visa application.

Extended reading: US study visa interview experience sharing

1. Confidence is the most important thing for a US visa. In the few days before the visa application, do nothing but practice smiling in front of the mirror until smiling becomes a habit. When you walk and talk without noticing, you will smile all the time. People who can smile always make people feel very festive, and the visa officer will be happy from the bottom of their hearts when they see it.

2. When you are led to the window to wait, don't think that the visa officer didn't call you and don't take it seriously. The visa officer is high above you and can see everything you do. You should show your temperament, hold your head high, and wait quietly without being humble or arrogant.

3. When speaking, you must speak slowly. No matter how good your spoken English is, please do not be overconfident about your English. You only need to use 70% to 80% of it when speaking. If your English is not very fluent, it is normal, you are a foreigner! But if you speak very fluently, the visa officer will treat you as an American when talking to you. If he speaks too fast and you can't hear clearly, it will be a waste of time.

4. When the visa officer is cold, don't be disappointed, this is their occupational disease. Don't let this affect your mood, remember to keep smiling, even if he doesn't look at you directly, you should always stare at him and smile, from beginning to end!

5. If you are refused a visa, don't be discouraged. The second time you apply for a visa, it won't have any adverse effects from the first time.

6. Be sure to prepare a few routines and practice them well. During the interview, you may be forced to explain your immigration intentions repeatedly, and it is difficult to come up with several strong reasons on the spot.

7. Try to speak louder, but not too fluently.

8. If the visa officer asks you a question you are not familiar with and asks you to answer it, remember one thing: do not stand there speechless. As for what to say, you can say all the relevant and irrelevant things you can think of about it, and show that you really understand it. It would be even better if you can say a few key words he expects.

9. Image: Girls should try to look more ladylike, traditional and conservative, not bold, avant-garde or too beautiful. This will be the safest image no matter you meet a male or female visa officer. Boys should appear more capable and don't need the formal suit, but being too casual is not good either.

10. Note: When you are already in line in front of a visa officer, you should stay excited. He or she will not call you in order. When you hear your name, you should walk forward and be careful not to lie on the stage. Some people will be careless when they are nervous.

11. There is no problem with hearing, the volume is enough, and there is no problem of being too noisy, because you two are standing close enough; as long as your hearing is good, you will definitely understand, because you already know the scope of his words in advance.

Further reading: Guide to purchasing medical insurance for students studying in the United States

1. Medical insurance expenses

When choosing a program, you need to confirm the base cost to be paid, as well as understand how and how often to pay, monthly or annually. Generally speaking, the lower the premium, the less the compensation will be afterwards, but how much is not the most important thing, you need to confirm that the program can protect you effectively.

2. Company Reputation

Although it is a non-permanent insurance policy that generally expires after you graduate and leave the country, you should pay extra attention to the qualifications and reputation of the company that provides the service, and choose a larger company, so that the subsequent payment will be a little more secure.

3. Payment amount

If the insured person needs medical treatment, how much the insurance company can pay, and the amount of payment in different cases, as well as the amount of benefits, are all elements that you need to know, directly related to the amount of the subsequent claim that you can receive.

4. Deductible

Regardless of the insurance company's program, the policyholder is required to pay a certain amount of expenses first, and the insurance company will settle the claim only after a certain amount of deductible is reached, involving both annual and doctor's deductibles, generally the lower the better.

5. Co-payment ratio

That is, the amount paid by the insurance company, generally in accordance with the percentage, the basic items are paid out about 80%, meaning that I need to pay at least 20%, of course, the amount of different items will vary, you need to understand clearly.

VI. Restrictions

What items and services are not included in the scope of benefits, this is what we must understand clearly, this is also a relatively large pitfall in the insurance program, do not wait until after the insurance for benefits, only to find not in the scope.

VII. Benefit Period

It is also important to know how long people can be covered for the items they are insured for. There is usually an extension clause, and it is necessary to obtain benefits for treatment in case of ineligibility, although it is more troublesome.

Visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States

Summary of visa materials required for applying for studying in the United States

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