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Introduction to Nursing, a popular major for studying abroad in the United States | Ranking of popular majors for studying abroad in the United States

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Here's what's going on withIntroduction to Nursing, a popular major for studying in the United States.Ranking of popular majors for studying abroad in the United States, ,Is American students popular?, ,Top 10 most popular cities for studying abroad in the United States, ,List of popular schools for international students in the United StatesThe problem.


Introduction to Nursing, a popular major for studying in the United States

Studying nursing in the United States is a very popular choice now, because the United States is in urgent need of professional nurses. If you can read it, you will have no worries about finding a job in the United States, with high salaries and a "iron rice bowl". In the five most powerful majors for studying abroad in the United States voted recently, nursing was honored to be on the list.

Nursing is in short supply not only in the United States, but also all over the world. China is now rapidly entering an aging society, and the medical system is becoming more and more perfect, so there is a great demand for nursing talents. Therefore, nursing professionals have broad employment prospects after graduation.

There is a severe shortage of nurses in the United States

The United States lacks nurses. In recent years, the shortage of nurses has reached a new high. Most of the people born in the post-war baby boom have entered middle age, and health problems have followed. According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, the United States has a shortage of 120,000 nursing talents each year. As of 2012, the cumulative shortage of nurses has reached 1 million, and the local young nurses are insufficient to fill the gap, resulting in a serious shortage of nurses in the United States.

Relaxed immigration conditions for nurses in the United States

Due to the serious shortage of nurses, nurses have become the easiest profession to apply for immigration in the United States among the types of professional immigration in the United States for many years. In other words, in the United States, as long as you pass the registered nurse exam, you have completed immigration. The immigration conditions for nurses are relaxed and the approval cycle is short. At present, the U.S. Department of Labor has listed the nursing profession as a Class A occupation with labor shortages, and the U.S. Immigration Service will give priority to foreign nurses in handling cases of residence in the United States.

Salary and benefits worldwide

American nurses are currently the best paid and well-off in the nursing industry worldwide. American law stipulates that foreign nurses must enjoy the same treatment and benefits as American nurses when they work in the United States. Currently, the average starting salary for registered nurses in the United States ranges from $30 to $45 per hour, and they work 40 hours a week. Overtime is paid at one and a half times the salary, and holidays are paid at double the salary. The annual income of registered nurses ranges from $50,000 to $100,000.

Early nursing education in the United States was conducted in hospitals. Large hospitals had their own education and training departments, which recruited high school graduates, taught basic nursing knowledge, and arranged internships for nursing students. After graduation, students received a nursing diploma issued by the hospital and took the nursing qualification examination hosted by the state government. After passing the examination, they could obtain a license and officially work.

The mainstream nursing education is now conducted in the university nursing school. The positions of nurses in American hospitals are divided into five levels, and they assume different levels of positions according to their education level and work experience.

Generally, community colleges offer a two-year nursing degree similar to a Chinese junior college diploma, called an Associate of Science in Nursing. Nursing schools at comprehensive universities offer a four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Both are initial nursing education degrees, and university nursing schools usually offer master's and doctoral degrees in nursing.

Although the nursing education at community colleges is two years, you must meet the preliminary course requirements before applying, such as anatomy, microbiology, university physics and chemistry courses. After completing these courses, you can apply to enter the nursing class.

Nursing education at community colleges is divided into two types: professional practice nurse (LPN) class and registered nurse (RN) class. The requirements for the registered nurse class are stricter, there are more courses, and the competition for admission is more intense.

The undergraduate nursing education of comprehensive university nursing schools is similar to general undergraduate education, except that the courses include credits for hospital internships. The earliest independent and complete nursing school was the Yale University School of Nursing, which was established in 1923.

After nurses with a junior college degree and nurses with a bachelor's degree pass the registered nurse exam and obtain a license, their salaries are the same. Moreover, junior college education is provided in community colleges and the tuition is very low.

The difference is that to further study and obtain a master's or doctoral degree in nursing, you must have a bachelor's degree. Nurses with a junior college degree must first take supplementary courses to obtain a bachelor's degree before they can apply for a master's or doctoral degree. If you plan to further your studies in the future, you can consider attending an undergraduate nursing school from the beginning.

Nurses in the United States need to pass the National Nursing Licensing Examination. This examination is divided into two types: RN and LPN licensing examinations. The questions are organized and set by a national committee composed of nursing regulatory agencies in each state. This committee is called the National Association of State Nursing Commissions. The examination is mainly composed of multiple-choice questions, as well as calculation questions, ranking questions, etc. After obtaining a degree and passing the examination, you can obtain an RN or LPN license and become a formal nurse.

Many schools and hospitals offer courses to upgrade from LPN to RN.

In response to the long-term trend of nurse shortage, the U.S. Congress and governments at all levels are discussing allocating funds to nursing schools to expand their enrollment. Many hospitals are also actively cooperating with these schools to provide financial and facility support, and to provide certain scholarships for nursing students to attract nursing talents to work after graduation. In order to recruit and retain nursing talents, many hospitals have increased nurse salaries and set up special bonuses for employees who help recruit nurses.

Two years of community college + two years of undergraduate university, get a beautiful university diploma! After 4 years, you can get a job. Monthly income of 4,000 US dollars, annual income of 48,000 US dollars, equivalent to 330,000 RMB. Eye-catching: After 4 years in the United States, get a work permit; after 7 years, get a green card.

Extended reading: What benefits can you enjoy when studying in the United States

1. First-class international education standards

The quality of higher education in the United States is world-class. In the latest list of the world's top 100 universities, nearly half are American universities, with the first and second places both being American universities. The United States is undoubtedly world-class in terms of hardware facilities, faculty, education funding, teaching level, and even educational atmosphere, education culture, and the degree of recognition and attention paid to education by the entire society. At the same time, American higher education diplomas are widely recognized and respected around the world.

2. Fair scholarship and grant system

American universities attach great importance to attracting and investing in talents. Even if you are an international student, as long as you are excellent in all aspects, you have a great chance to apply for tuition reduction, full or partial scholarship. Moreover, as long as the student performs well in school, the scholarship can support all tuition and living expenses during the study period in the United States, which is almost impossible in other study abroad countries.

3. More work-study opportunities

There are many opportunities for students to work and study in American universities. Generally, as long as students strive for it, they can work about 15 hours a week. This is not only helpful for the family's financial situation, but also very effective for students' learning, making them better and having better interpersonal relationships. If students are willing to continue working during the holidays, the income they earn is enough to subsidize their lives.

4. Flexible and effective credit system

Colleges and universities in the United States adopt a credit system. As long as students complete the required courses and required credits, they can graduate and obtain the corresponding degree. Therefore, with careful planning and implementation, it is entirely possible for students to complete undergraduate courses in three years or complete master's courses in one year; it is also possible to obtain a major and a minor degree, a double degree, or three degrees at the same time without spending two to three times the time and money.

5. Free and open professional choice

When applying for a graduate degree, students can choose a major different from their undergraduate major based on their actual situation. If students are not satisfied with their undergraduate major, they can choose a new major of their choice.

6. Good visa situation

Studying in the United States offers a wide range of choices and greater opportunities. At the same time, different types of institutions meet the needs of students with different backgrounds, and all students who wish to study in the United States can find a suitable university. In recent years, the US Immigration Service has begun to relax the standards for student visas. Even many students who were rejected by other countries finally successfully obtained US visas. I believe that after eliminating the doubts and misunderstandings about the difficulty of obtaining a US visa, the United States will become the first choice for more and more Chinese students studying abroad.

7. Experience multicultural and multi-ethnic exchanges

The United States is not only a cultural power, but also the country with the highest concentration of people of different races and cultures in the world. As an immigrant country, the United States welcomes foreigners from all over the world to seek development in the United States, especially foreign students. Half of the schools in the United States can recruit international students, and nearly one-third of the freshmen enrolled by American universities each year are international students. In the United States, the number of Chinese international students ranks second only to India. "Diversity" is a factor that American universities attach great importance to. Here, you can be exposed to a more colorful life.

8. Get better career development space

The United States has a positive immigration policy that can provide a path for every international student to develop in the United States. After completing their studies in the United States, they can choose to find a job or continue their studies. For the former, it is generally difficult for students who receive education outside the United States to obtain employment opportunities in the United States, while foreign students in the United States can compete with American students for the same opportunities. If they choose to continue their studies, international students who graduate from American universities are far more advantageous than students who apply directly from overseas in terms of the foundation they have laid during their study abroad period and their understanding and information about the United States, and they take a priority position when competing for excellent universities.

9. Family members can also travel to the United States at the same time

After graduation, students who hold a student visa can have one year (29 months for engineering students) to do internships or find jobs in the United States. Generally, when signing a work contract with an employer, it is agreed whether the employer will help you apply for immigration after working for a certain period of time. Whether you are studying or working, you can apply for family members to accompany you to study or visit relatives in the United States. Of course, direct relatives have a greater chance of obtaining visas.

10. Return to China to get more high-paying opportunities

Compared with other countries, American schools have very high requirements. From English exams to school applications to visa interviews, students studying in the United States often need to spend more time, experience and financial resources than students from other countries. In the end, relatively few students get the opportunity to study in the United States, and even fewer students return to China immediately after graduation. Therefore, those who have studied in the United States and returned to China have always been the preferred talents for large domestic companies, foreign companies, and overseas offices.

Further reading: What are the academic advantages of studying in the United States?

1. Many colleges and universities

There are many excellent universities in the United States, which are available for international students to choose from. Moreover, these universities are not only excellent in the United States, but also first-class in the world. Students who come here to study have many choices, so this is also the attraction of the United States to attract so many students from all over the world to study. Of the top 50 universities in the world, the United States accounts for 20 of them. Even the United Kingdom does not have so many, with only 5-10. It can be seen that the United States not only has a large number of schools, but also has high quality.

2. Practice first and then decide on your major

The United States has a special system for studying abroad that is different from other countries. This is good for students, especially in terms of the choice of major. The school will give students about two years to practice and explore the major they want to choose in the future, and then determine what major they want to choose. Compared with other countries, most of the majors chosen by students will ignore what students really like or want to study. Therefore, the United States encourages students to freely choose majors according to their own preferences, which is relatively humane.

3. Professional and flexible

Schools in the United States not only give international students a lot of freedom in their majors, but also allow students to be flexible in other choices, such as courses. Students can determine which courses they choose and which courses they choose as their minors according to the combination of different courses, and all these choices are determined by students according to their own interests, and the school will not interfere. Or students do not choose courses, but only choose majors. This flexible selection method is a very suitable system for different students.

However, this system has some limitations. Students can only choose their elective and minor courses. Some courses are required to be taken in order to graduate, such as mathematics and English. In addition, some schools require students to complete some ethics courses in order to ensure that students have the ability to adapt.

4. Management and Activities

There are several things that are quite good about American schools, namely, the humanized management and the rich extracurricular activities. In these aspects, these schools are much better than those in other countries. In terms of management, the school is very active in establishing relevant mechanisms so that the school can better help students in their studies and life.

Their extracurricular activities are very rich, and the purpose of their activities is to enable students to truly integrate into the school environment and into their classmates.

5. Academic support

The United States also does well in this regard. After entering university, international students usually have a mentor to provide academic guidance, so that students can have a clear goal for their studies and determine which field they will eventually study. In terms of learning, students are usually divided into many groups in the form of projects and led by mentors. The goals of the entire group are accurate, and each student has his or her own tasks and detailed division of labor. This form is very beneficial for learning and project completion.

Summary of the Nursing Major, a Popular Major for Studying in the United States

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