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Introduction to popular majors in Ivy League schools in the United States | Ranking of popular majors in the United States

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Introduction to popular majors in Ivy League schools in the United States

Brown University

1. Economics

2. Computer Science

3. Biology

Columbia University

1. Economics

2. Political Science

3. Psychology

Cornell University

1. Engineering

2. Business, Management and Marketing

3. Biology and biomedicine

Dartmouth College

1. Economics

2. Government Studies

3. History

Harvard University

1. Economics

2. Government Studies

3. Computer Science

University of Pennsylvania

1. Finance

2. Economics

3. Nursing

Princeton University

1. Economics

2. Woodrow Wilson School (Policy Development, Analysis and Evaluation)

3. Computer Science

Yale University

1. Economics

2. Political Science

3. History

Ivy League schools are the goal of many Chinese students, and these admission letters seem to be a ticket to future success. The admission rates of the eight Ivy League schools in 2017 show how fierce the competition is. Among them, Harvard University has the lowest admission rate, only 5.2%. And Cornell University, which has the highest admission rate, has an admission rate of only 12.5%.

Extended reading: Basic procedures for entering the United States to study

1. Table

According to U.S. immigration law, all people entering the United States from land ports, airport ports or seaports are subject to inspection. On the plane, visitors to the United States will fill out a customs declaration form.

2. Inspection

There are four main types of inspections at U.S. ports of entry: public health; immigration status; customs inspection; and agricultural inspection. These four inspections may be conducted by one officer or multiple officers.

3. Border Inspection

Please answer questions asked by Chinese and U.S. border inspection officers as required when entering or leaving the country.

Please queue up when entering or leaving the country, go through the procedures in order, and do not make loud noises.

4. Luggage

Each person is limited to 1 piece of carry-on luggage and 2 pieces of checked luggage. Each piece of checked luggage must not exceed 23 kilograms. Overweight luggage will be subject to excess charges, and the fines set by each airline are different.

After getting off the plane and picking up your luggage, be sure not to remove the luggage tags. Wait until all group members have picked up their luggage before removing them.

Do not put sharp objects, alcohol or liquids in your carry-on luggage.

Since checked baggage cannot be locked throughout the journey, please do not place valuables in it.

In the United States, lighters cannot be checked in; luggage security checks in the United States are subject to ultra-strong X-ray inspections, so please do not check in items such as films, disks, magnetic cards, etc. to avoid demagnetization or exposure.

Introduction to popular majors in Ivy League schools in the United States

Summary of popular majors in Ivy League schools in the United States

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