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Recommended colleges for studying painting in the United States | Computer science in the United States

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When studying abroad for painting majors, students may think of going to countries like Italy and France, but in fact, the United States is not inferior to Italy and France at all. There are many top art schools in the United States.Recommended colleges and universities for studying painting in the United StatesStudying Computer Science in the United States, ,Choosing a major for studying in the United States, ,Requirements for nursing students in the United States, ,A complete analysis of the majors for studying in the United StatesThe problem.


Recommended colleges for studying painting in the United States

1. Recommended colleges for studying painting in the United States

1. Rhode Island School of Design

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is a pioneer of art and design schools in the United States. Founded on March 22, 1877, RISD has a long history of 138 years and is a top-ranked design university in the United States and renowned worldwide.

The Rhode Island School of Design is the earliest independent art and design school in the United States. The school implements a credit system and mainly provides undergraduate and graduate education. It is an international first-class design school. The school's philosophy is: "Dedicated to the cultivation of design and art talents. Improve the level of mass art education, business and products." As the top private art school in the United States, the Rhode Island School of Design has gathered more than 1,800 undergraduates and more than 300 graduate students from more than 50 countries around the world. The school has 350 teachers with different talents and 400 staff. At the same time, more than 200 artists, designers, critics, writers and philosophers from all over the world come to the school as visiting scholars and part-time professors every year.

Since its establishment, the school has trained more than 16,000 graduates, who are now in the United States and around the world. Many of them have become outstanding design talents in the 20th century. In addition to undergraduate and graduate education, RISD also provides young artists with a variety of training courses, professional lectures, art exhibitions and other continuing education design activities to meet the needs of the general public in a learning society. Rhode Island School of Design ranks first among art schools in the United States, and many of its majors are ranked first in the country, such as ceramics, graphic design, industrial design, etc.

2. School of the Art Institute of Chicago

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) is one of the top art education institutions in the United States. It consists of a museum and a school. It was founded in 1866. The school itself does not have a so-called campus, but because it is located right on the shore of Lake Michigan, adjacent to Millennium Park and Grant Park, the school environment is elegant and comfortable. Its museum is famous for its collection of a large number of Impressionist works and American art, such as works by Monet, Seurat, Van Gogh, Edward Hopper, etc. The college aims to cultivate visual art talents, and former students include Walt Disney, Georgia O'Keeffe, etc.

SAIC's painting major offers a lot of philosophical ideas. The major provides a diverse and open environment, including 70 artists from around the world whose works cover various fields. Past alumni have achieved great success and excellence in internationally renowned art exhibitions, education industries and awards, including Zak Prekop, Angel Otero, Jeni Spota, Rebecca Morris, Amanda Ross-Ho and other alumni. There is an opportunity to come into contact with well-known art museums, whose collections include world art from 5,000 years ago. Spacious and bright classrooms provide students with space for practice and discussion, and to participate in criticism and strategic research.

Graduate students of SAIC's graphic media major are always creative. They break the rules, design prints, publish books for artists, etc. The teachers in the college also have a variety of graphic design skills, and everyone knows at least painting, design, digital art, photography, sculpture, and publishing.

3. Maryland Institute College of Art

Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) is the top art school in the United States. Founded in 1826, it is one of the oldest art schools in the United States and the oldest art school that grants degrees. It is a member of AICAD (Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design). It is also affiliated with the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. It is located in Baltimore, Maryland, on the east coast of the United States.

Painting and Sketching Major: Sketching is a basic skill that every painting artist must master. Mastering this skill is the cornerstone of success in the visual arts discipline. As the foundation of other majors and higher-level sketching, this major provides students majoring in sketching with rigorous and in-depth sketching learning. There are also 14 other elective courses to expand students' perspectives.

4. Art Center College of Design

Art Center College of Design (ACCD) was founded in 1930. It is an art school based on modern design and closely related to the art and design industry. Art Center is committed to cultivating workers and artists who take visual arts as their profession. It is one of the largest design schools in the United States. It requires freshmen to have certain design experience or have a degree from other universities before admission, so the average age of students is relatively high, and the average age of undergraduates is 23 years old.

ACCD is a world-renowned design school, and has close cooperation with many large companies in the world, including ADOBE, Nike, Universal Studios, Hyundai, Sony, Nokia and Audi. Students have very convenient conditions to contact these potential future employers and customers during school. The school also often invites artists and professionals to give lectures and communicate with students.

5. California College of the Arts

California College of the Arts (CCA) is one of the top design schools in the United States. The school was founded in 1907 and has a long history of nearly 120 years. It ranks sixth in the US NEWS 2016 ranking of design schools in the United States. CCA focuses on combining design with practice and cultivating students' ability to solve problems through innovative thinking.

The school has two campuses, one in downtown San Francisco and the other in Oakland. The Bay Area where CCA is located is rich in educational resources, close to comprehensive universities such as Stanford University and UC Berkeley, as well as Silicon Valley, the birthplace of high-tech in the United States. All majors at the California Institute of the Arts are at the forefront of the field, including industrial design, graphic design, interior design, and photography.

2. Pay attention to details during the interview for studying in the United States

1. Prepare all application materials

During the interview, the visa officer may not pay much attention to your documents, but it is possible that he will ask you to show some important documents. If you don't have them, it will be unfortunate. Only when you have all the documents can you be more persuasive and have a better chance of success.

2. Prepare answers to some key questions

Don't fight a battle without preparation. The interview time is often very short, only two or three minutes, and the key answer will be crucial, so you must be prepared in advance. Consider in advance what questions the visa officer may ask based on your own situation and how to answer them, so that you have a clear idea in mind.

3. Dress in a dignified and elegant manner

Your clothes are the visa officer's first impression of you. You should dress neatly and elegantly, wear sober colors, comb your hair neatly, and avoid heavy makeup. Your clothes should be in line with your student status. Don't be too fashionable. Although Americans dress casually, you should not give the visa officer the impression that you are applying for an F1 visa.

4. Don’t use too much body language

During the interview, you are required to be calm, well-mannered, and student-like in your speech and behavior. Pay attention to your identity, and use some body language appropriately to appear lively and vivid, but it should appear natural and not too artificial. However, some body language is not very solemn, so try to use it less.

5. Don’t be too reserved or humble

Students should be generous, modest and cautious in front of the interviewer instead of being submissive. Excessive modesty will make the visa officer feel that you are not adaptable and will be a burden to American society. Do not try to win the sympathy of the visa officer, as Americans tend to respect people with strength.

6. Keep your composure even if your visa is rejected

If your visa is rejected, you should remain restrained and calm. You can ask the visa officer why it is rejected and whether there is any chance to remedy the situation. If the visa officer clearly refuses your visa, do not argue with him or make a scene, as this may affect your second application.

3. Ways to reduce the cost of studying in the United States

1. Apply for a scholarship

Scholarships are mostly available to graduate students. They are a kind of reward given to you for helping professors or participating in research projects while you are studying. They are similar to a monthly student salary. Undergraduate students basically don't have to think about this. However, if you are lucky enough to be noticed by a professor while you are an undergraduate, you may get it.

2. Strive for scholarships

There are two types of scholarships mentioned here, one is the on-campus scholarship, and the other is the foundation scholarship. The foundation scholarship is actually provided by outside the school, that is, private individuals or companies. As a student, you can apply for on-campus or off-campus scholarships. Of course, off-campus scholarships have more content and richer content than on-campus scholarships.

3. Apply for tuition fee reduction

This is also available, but this type of tuition reduction has various regulations and conditions, such as for students with disabilities or families with serious income tragedies. Of course, if you can prove that your family's financial ability cannot help you complete your studies, you can also apply for this.

4. Save or reduce accommodation on and off campus

This is a type of scholarship specially set up by American schools to reduce the cost of studying in the United States for international students. Lisicheng Overseas Study Cloud introduced that if you feel that you cannot afford such high accommodation fees if you live in the school, and your family also has financial difficulties, you can make this request and apply to the school.

5. Obtain research and teaching assistantships

Graduate schools in the United States will set up these two types of service-based financial aid, but they are only available to students who are studying for a master's degree or higher in the United States. This requires good academic performance and a strong level of English, and further review by professors or school service agencies before you can get it.

Summary of recommended colleges for studying painting in the United States

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