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Recommended popular universities for studying in the UK | Universities for studying in the UK in Gansu

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The UK is a country that many young people dream of studying abroad. The high-quality education in the UK has always been praised by the world.Recommended popular universities for studying in the UKGansu universities and colleges for studying in the UK, ,How are the rankings of UK universities?, ,What are the famous universities in the UK?, ,Application requirements and tuition fees for studying in the UKThe problem.


Recommended popular universities for studying in the UK

1. Recommendations for popular universities for studying in the UK

1. University of Oxford

The university is ranked in the top 3 in the world. It has a long history and has trained many new-age scholars and Nobel Prize winners. Of course, it is also one of the most difficult universities to apply for in the UK. The school currently does not recognize the college entrance examination scores of my country, and international students must provide A-level course examination scores.

2. Cambridge University is one of the top 5 universities in the world. During the Republic of China period, many Chinese scholars graduated from this university. Although the application requirements for Cambridge University are high, students who do not have A-level scores can use their college entrance examination scores instead. However, the college entrance examination scores must reach the scores of Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the average high school score must be relatively high.

3. Imperial College London

Imperial College London is one of the top 4 universities in the UK and the top 10 universities in the world. It is one of the most popular universities for students who want to study science and engineering in the UK. At the same time, this university is also keen on Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools, and has established cooperative study abroad programs with many 985 and 211 universities in China, such as the Capital Normal University 3+2 study abroad program.

4. University College London

University College London is also one of the top 10 universities in the world and one of the G5 universities in the UK. It is a world-class university that many international students aspire to.

5. London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science, together with the above four universities, has become one of the UK's G5 universities and is also a popular British university among international students.

6. Durham University

Durham University is also a top university. Although it is not as ranked as the G5 universities in the world, it is also one of the top 100 universities in the world, and has attracted worldwide attention in the fields of social sciences, education, computer science, business, etc.

7. University of Bath

The University of Bath, ranked 9th among universities in the UK, has world-class research in business, engineering, humanities and social sciences, and science. It is one of the top ten public universities in the UK that are popular with students studying abroad.

8. University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh, or "Edinburgh University" for short, was founded in 1583. It is one of the seven classical universities in the UK and one of the top 30 universities in the world. The university has a brilliant record in the field of natural sciences and has trained many well-known scholars, such as Darwin. In addition, the University of Edinburgh's humanities, social sciences, medicine, and architecture are also recognized worldwide.

9. University of Manchester

The University of Manchester, ranked 27th in the latest world university rankings, has strong research capabilities in life sciences, engineering, humanities, sociology, and economics, and is highly favored by employers around the world.

10. University of Leeds

The University of Leeds is one of the top 100 universities in the world and a member of the “One Belt, One Road” Business School Alliance. The school has strong teaching and research capabilities in business, medicine, humanities and social sciences, engineering, science and other fields.

In addition, the University of Warwick, Lancaster University, Loughborough University and the University of Southampton also have a large number of applicants every year. Among them, the University of Southampton is one of the most popular institutions for engineering students to study in the UK.

2. Choosing a way to study in the UK

1. Preparatory Course

I believe everyone knows a lot about preparatory courses. Preparatory courses are suitable for students who want to study in the UK but have poor language skills or grades. Generally, preparatory courses in the UK take one year, and students can only enter the first year of university after passing the assessment. But there are actually several types of preparatory courses. The first is the school's own, the second is authorized by the university, and the third is independent preparatory courses. Generally, students choose courses offered by the school, but not all schools in the UK have preparatory courses.

2. International Freshman

This type of course has only been available in recent years and is provided to students who are still a little short of the admission requirements in terms of A-level scores or language. After completing the first year of international studies, students can go directly to the second year, which means that it takes one year less than the foundation course. It is usually hosted by an off-campus institution, and the course content is the same as the first year of school, but with more language courses. However, few schools offer such courses, and the rankings are not very good.

3. A-level

This course is different from preparatory courses. It is actually a high school course in the UK. The so-called A-level results are equivalent to the college entrance examination results. You can use this result to apply for all universities here, even schools like Oxford and Cambridge. But it can apply to many universities around the world, not only in the UK.

This course has many advantages. In this course, there are two years, AS and A2, so the exam risk can be shared and students can better demonstrate their abilities. Moreover, if you do not do well in the A-level exam, you can retake it. You can retake the part you are not satisfied with instead of taking all the parts again. Students usually choose 3 or 4 subjects to study, which makes it easier to get high scores.

Here in the UK, A-level is actually a kind of examination course for university entrance. Students can choose some courses to complete, so that they can lay some foundation, and among these exams, the difficulty of the exams is not too high.

3. List of advantages of applying to study in the UK

1. World-renowned education quality

The British education system has a long history of more than 700 years, with strong strength and solid foundation, and a very rigorous style of study. The high level of education has made the UK famous in the world. The UK has 30 universities selected in the top 200 in the world, accounting for 25% of all universities, ranking first in the world.

2. Short duration of study and high cost performance

In the UK, it takes less time to obtain a degree than in most other countries. For ordinary majors, the undergraduate degree takes three years, and the master's degree takes only one year. Compared with other countries, it can save 1-2 years to obtain the same degree, which saves money and time.

3. A diploma with high value

The world today is mainly divided into the Commonwealth education system and the North American education system. The UK is the birthplace of modern universities. Its profound cultural heritage and professional educational environment have attracted a large number of overseas students to study. British universities and scientific research institutions have trained many Nobel Prize winners, ranking second in the world in terms of the number of winners, and its scientific research level is extraordinary.

4. The birthplace of authentic English

Britain is the birthplace of English and the home of gentlemen and ladies. Every student who studies abroad hopes to be able to speak fluent English after returning home, and studying in Britain will undoubtedly enable students to master pure British English.

5. Independent learning mode

What impresses everyone who has studied in the UK is its unique teaching model. Teachers usually encourage students to think about problems and express their own opinions in class, cultivate the ability to think independently about things, and enhance personal learning confidence. In addition to classes and lectures, small group guidance is often arranged to train the ability to analyze and solve problems.

6. Ensuring learning results through lenient admission and strict graduation

Students with high school or equivalent education can apply, especially high school students can directly apply for university language and preparatory courses. In addition, students with junior college education can transfer to undergraduate courses or apply for postgraduate preparatory courses. We provide learning opportunities for every student and ensure learning results!

Summary of recommendations for popular universities in the UK

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