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Pay attention to details when studying in the UK | Real life of international students in the UK

The UK is one of the most developed countries in the world, with a relatively stable society, a sound education system and a strong learning atmosphere.Pay attention to details when studying in the UKReal life of international students in the UK, ,My life as a student in the UK, ,Living expenses for government-sponsored students in the UK, ,Highlights of Studying in the UKThe problem.


Pay attention to details when studying in the UK

Pay attention to details when studying in the UK

1. Renting in the UK

When renting a house, some students often choose to share the house with their friends. In the process of sharing the house, when it comes to some interests such as living expenses and rent, Chinese people usually can't bring themselves to speak, but this is not good for sharing the house. So if you are sure to choose to share the house, you must distinguish the common expenses of the two people and collect all the bills so that you can have evidence when settling the bills.

2. Climate in the UK

If you live in the UK for a long time, you will find that the climate in the UK is very changeable and the weather forecast is often inaccurate because it is too difficult to predict. It may be sunny one minute and raining the next minute. So you must remember to bring an umbrella when you go out so that you will not get wet by the sudden downpour.

3. Credit in the UK

In the UK, banks here can provide students with interest-free overdrafts, as well as various free and discounted services. However, this will also bring some negative effects. It is not recommended that you increase your credit limit at will. You should first weigh whether your financial strength can repay such a high overdraft limit. In addition, credit records are very important to a person, so remember to check your credit regularly and plan your financial plan reasonably.

4. British roads

Due to traffic regulations in the UK, cars drive on the left, which reminds everyone to pay attention to the cars on the right when crossing the road, that is, "first right, then left". This is completely opposite to the situation in China, and some students may not be able to adapt to it at first. In any case, it is better to be careful. It is better to think clearly before crossing the road, rather than react in the middle of crossing the road. When you go out, personal safety is the most important thing.

5. Deadline for Submission of Assignments

In terms of academics, there are also some details that need to be paid attention to. Many students always submit their homework at the last minute of the deadline, but this is a very bad habit. It is very likely that the submission will be delayed due to a temporary delay in the network. If you do not submit it within the specified time, your homework grade will be affected to a certain extent.

6. Social Networking in the UK

In the UK, there are many Chinese students studying here, so many Chinese students will gather together and rarely interact with British locals in class or extracurricular time. In fact, this is not a good thing. Now that you have come to the UK, in such a country with pure English pronunciation, you can seize the opportunity to practice your English skills, interact more with foreigners, and experience foreign culture up close.

Further reading: What are the requirements for students to study in the UK?

1. Excellent language performance

First of all, since you are going to study abroad, you must have basic oral communication skills no matter what, and you must have strong learning ability. If you don’t know English at all, is it really reliable to study in the UK? Fortunately, there are some language preparatory classes to choose from. When applying for studying abroad, you can study in a language preparatory class for a certain period of time, and then officially enter the regular course after passing the assessment.

However, if you go to study in the UK, you must have strong English skills and language test scores to better ensure that you will succeed in your studies.

2. Strong adaptability

Studying abroad means going to a completely unfamiliar country. The food, clothing, housing, transportation, customs, and cultural differences between China and the West are very different from those of your own country. Therefore, if you want to study abroad, you must have good adaptability.

For studying in the UK, you should first learn the language well and then improve your adaptability. After all, you are studying abroad, and having good English skills will be more conducive to your study abroad life. However, it is not recommended to choose studying abroad blindly. After all, studying abroad may not be suitable for everyone. So before studying abroad, you may wish to make an assessment of studying abroad. Before studying abroad, clarify your own situation and then make preparations for studying abroad.

3. Academic ability

Of course, if you plan to apply for some more professional majors, if you have certain academic abilities yourself, such an application will undoubtedly be even more powerful. For example, if you have experience in participating in some academic competitions or games in related majors, these experiences will be of great help to you.

Summary of the details of studying in the UK

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