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Things to note when studying in the UK | Living expenses when studying in the UK

As the pure birthplace of English, studying in the UK can not only help every international student gain professional knowledge, but also help them learn the most authentic English pronunciation and English vocabulary. Therefore, the UK has become the first choice for many international students.Pay attention to taboos when studying in the UKLiving expenses for studying in the UK, ,Living expenses for studying in the UK: 2000, ,International students describe their life in the UK, ,Website for studying in the UKThe problem.

Things to note when studying in the UK

Taboo 1: Drinking tea

Tea can almost be called the national drink of the United Kingdom, especially women, who are addicted to tea. The British love freshly brewed strong tea, with one or two pieces of sugar or a little cold milk. In the countryside, afternoon tea is popular, also known as meat tea or full tea. Fish, meat and other dishes are eaten with tea, replacing the main meal. There is also five o'clock tea in the United Kingdom, which is a social activity for wealthy women. Rather than drinking tea, it is better to meet friends for tea at five o'clock in the afternoon, to meet and talk, which is equivalent to the coffee reception of women on the European continent.

Taboo 2: Clothing

British people are particular about what they wear, so they still wear suits and ties when meeting guests, visiting, or attending cocktail parties, banquets, and evening parties. In summer, they can wear short-sleeved shirts instead of suits, but they still have to wear ties. However, they are very averse to wearing ties with patterns, because they may be considered as imitations of military or student uniform ties.

Taboo 3: Don’t ask a woman’s age

The British don't like to talk about men's wages and women's age. Even the value of the furniture at home is not something you should ask. If you ask a lady's age, it is also inappropriate because she thinks it is her own secret, and everyone wants to stay young forever. There is no better compliment than saying "You look so young" to a middle-aged woman.

Taboo 4: Don’t bargain

The most taboo thing when shopping in the UK is bargaining. The British do not like bargaining and think it is a shameful thing. If you are buying a valuable work of art or a large number of goods, you also need to carefully negotiate a total price with the seller. The British rarely bargain. If they think the price of an item is suitable, they will buy it, and if not, they will walk away.

Further reading: Introduction to employment prospects for studying in the UK

1、The employment prospect of studying in the UK

The UK is a highly developed capitalist country with rapid economic development and a great demand for talents in all industries, creating many employment opportunities for students. But accordingly the UK is numerous and has produced very many excellent students, so the competition for employment is also very fierce.

However, in general, the employment rate of every university in the UK is still very high, almost all of them reach 90% or above, and many students can find suitable jobs or continue their studies for further education after graduation. Moreover, the gold content and recognition of the UK's academic qualifications are very high, and they can be well developed both abroad and at home, with very broad employment prospects.

2、Employment prospect back home

The UK is a more developed country in higher education, so the recognition of UK students after returning home is very high, and many companies still welcome UK students, especially in popular majors such as accounting, finance, business administration and media, etc. The employment rate of students of these majors back home has reached 100%, and all students can find jobs and get high salaries after returning home.

According to the relevant data, about 70% of British students choose to return to their home country for the reason that their families are in China, and the other reason is that the employment prospect in China is more promising. Nowadays, China's economy is developing rapidly and the demand for talents is very big, especially some foreign companies prefer international students, which provides better development opportunities for international students.

Summary of taboos for studying in the UK

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