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Singapore Master's Scholarship Application Requirements | Singapore Study Abroad Application

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Singapore's education absorbs the essence of both Eastern and Western cultures, and adopts flexible teaching methods to cultivate and develop students' potential. It has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations for many Chinese students who are preparing to apply to study in Singapore.Interpretation of application requirements for Singapore Master's ScholarshipApply to study in Singapore, ,Singapore study abroad application agency, ,Requirements for applying to study in SingaporeThe problem.


Interpretation of application requirements for Singapore Master's Scholarship

1. Interpretation of the application requirements for Singapore Master's Scholarship

Interpretation of the application requirements for the Singapore Master's Scholarship--Strict recruitment for full scholarships

There are 4 national universities in Singapore that offer undergraduate education and award bachelor's degrees, and 5 polytechnics that award professional education diplomas (equivalent to junior college). Full scholarships are only offered by national universities, and the number of students admitted is very limited, and the recruitment process is also very strict. Currently, students are mainly recommended by secondary schools, and then they take the written test and interview of the University of Singapore.

Interpretation of the application conditions for the Singapore Master's Scholarship-the scholarship is only for science and engineering students

In contrast, the 80% government scholarships provided by the five polytechnics are more suitable for ordinary students. Since the purpose of the Singapore government's scholarships is to attract more outstanding students to study technical majors that are lacking in the country, the scholarships are only given to science and engineering students and not to liberal arts students, and the majors change every year. The requirements for foreign languages in science and engineering are not as high as those in liberal arts, but the requirements for English, mathematics, and physics are still relatively strict. Generally speaking, students with a score of 450-550 in the first diagnosis can apply for the exam.

To make it more convenient for students, all polytechnics have now adjusted their application times to a period that is more suitable for applications. For example, Ngee Ann Polytechnic has changed the application time for next year's admission from March to November.

Why are there two versions of 85% and 80% in the market? Experts say: The official version in Singapore is 80%, but because of different majors, there are some differences, which may be higher than 80%, reaching about 82%. In this way, the tuition fee for one year is about 10,000 RMB, and the living expenses are 30,000-40,000 RMB.

Interpretation of the application requirements for the Singapore Master's Scholarship - You must stay in Singapore and work for 3 years after graduation

After receiving the 80% government scholarship, Chinese students need to sign an agreement to stay in Singapore and work for three years. "That is to say, after graduation, you will have a good job with a monthly salary of about 8,000 yuan. And the majors that provide scholarships are all urgently needed by the Singapore government."

Secondly, compared with other countries, studying in Singapore does not require financial guarantees as long as you are admitted to the government scholarship program, which is very beneficial for Chinese families.

At the same time, if the students have excellent grades, the top 10% (previously 5%) students in each polytechnic can directly enter undergraduate studies. Students can also work and study part-time. Now, after working in Singapore for one year, they can take the undergraduate exam.

2. Scholarships available for studying in Singapore

1. SM Scholarship

The SM program is a scholarship program proposed by the Singapore government in the last century specifically to attract Chinese students. It targets students from junior high school to university, covering all stages and effectively alleviating the financial pressure on students.

SM1 is for the third-year junior high school students who graduated from key domestic high schools; SM2 is for the outstanding students in the science classes of the second year of high school; SM3 is for the freshmen of domestic 985 and 211 universities. The scholarship application requires a written test and an interview.

2. Full Scholarship

The amount involved in this scholarship is relatively large, and it will be a brilliant experience for students' future studies and work. Therefore, in Singapore, only three national universities and five polytechnics are qualified to award it.

Similarly, only students studying in these eight universities are eligible to apply. The review requirements are very strict, and registration can only be made through school recommendation. In addition to submitting materials, an interview with a professional is also required.

3. Government Scholarships

Of course, for those students whose family conditions are not so good, the Singapore government will also provide a large amount of scholarships after review and investigation, so that students can successfully complete their studies in colleges and universities.

Of course, there are certain requirements for the granting of scholarships. Students’ grades cannot be too bad, at least they cannot fail any courses. If the scholarships still cannot cover all the expenses, the National Bank will also provide interest-free living expenses loans.

4. Institutional Scholarships

NUS and NTU are two of the most popular universities in Singapore, as well as the largest universities. The scholarships they set up for postgraduate students are only available to research masters.

That is, if you choose a taught master's degree, then you will only have enough money to apply for a grant and are not eligible to apply for a scholarship. This is an issue that is easily overlooked.

3. Things to note when studying in Singapore

1. Issues that require attention in terms of language

Studying in Singapore requires some basic knowledge. For students with weak language foundation, they should first learn the language well in China. If they do not have such knowledge, they will not be admitted. On the other hand, if you have difficulty communicating with people and do not speak the language, you will not be able to study in Singapore.

2. Things to note when studying at school

The purpose of students in Singapore is to study. If the attendance rate of students is very low and they do not meet the school's pass rate, they will be warned by the school. If students are absent from class for more than three days without reason, they will also be warned by the school. If they are absent for seven consecutive days, they will be notified to the Immigration Department. The attendance rate is also very influential for the student's regular application. If the attendance rate is below 90%, the school will generally not approve it. If you are still in Singapore after the time limit, you will be fined. In serious cases, you will be imprisoned. It will be difficult to apply for a visa again in the future. When studying in Singapore, students are strictly restricted from working. They can only work if they meet certain requirements. There is also a time limit for working. The working time per week is less than 16 hours. Generally, private schools do not allow working.

3. Precautions in daily life

When studying in Singapore, the prices of food and clothes are relatively cheaper than in China, but electronic products are more expensive than in China. When packing things, you have to think clearly about which things are necessary and which things will be troublesome to bring. If students want to rent a house by themselves, it is better to rent a house near the school. First, it is very close to the school and second, it is safer. Transportation in Singapore is relatively convenient. Students can buy EZ-Link cards at preferential prices.

4. Other matters

In public places in Singapore, you are not allowed to sing or dance. Any activities that disturb others or make noise are not allowed and will result in a fine. Damaging property in public places, such as scribbling on walls, climbing trees, picking flowers, etc., will also result in a fine. If you are caught littering or throwing objects from high places, you will also be fined. In Singapore, you can only buy medicinal chewing gum, and non-medicinal chewing gum is not available. If you are caught buying or selling chewing gum to others, you will have to pay a high fine or go to jail.

Summary of Application Requirements for Singapore Master's Scholarship

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