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Common knowledge about studying abroad in Singapore | Planning table for studying abroad in Singapore

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As one of the four Asian Tigers, Singapore has a developed economy and high-quality education, making it a popular destination for studying abroad in Asia.Learn some common sense about studying in Singapore.Study Abroad Life Planning Table in Singapore, ,Living expenses for studying in Gansu and Singapore, ,Analysis of the living conditions of international students in SingaporeThe problem.


Common knowledge about studying in Singapore

1. Common knowledge about studying in Singapore

1. Living expenses

As one of the countries with the best living standards in Asia, compared with Western countries, students will find that the prices of consumer goods here are not very high. Whether it is food, clothing, or other expenses, they are all very reasonable. It is useless to set a high price just because the living standards are good. According to rough statistics, the monthly living expenses of international students in Singapore are about 3,700 to 5,000 RMB. Because everyone has different lifestyles and chooses different courses, there will not be much difference.

If you want to save some money, you can choose to buy food outside and cook it in the dormitory. Most markets and supermarkets in Singapore can buy food that Chinese people usually eat. If you want to try food from other countries, you can basically buy it. Or you can choose to eat in the school restaurant, which is much cheaper than the outside restaurants.

2. Class attendance

Singapore has requirements for student attendance, which cannot be lower than 90% every month. If you cannot maintain this attendance rate frequently, Singapore will reject your renewal request in the future. If you need to take sick leave during your studies, you must ask for leave from your department head and present a formal sick leave certificate from your doctor. The leave will only be granted after the department head approves it. If you want to take any other leave, whether it is to return to your home country or for any other reason, as long as the leave time exceeds 60 days, you must resubmit your application after your student visa expires. You cannot apply for an extension.

3. Part-time job

Singapore's public universities allow international students to work outside the school, but the stipulated time cannot exceed 16 hours per week; private universities do not allow students to work at all. The consequences of working illegally in Singapore are very serious, and you may even be deported, so if you are not in dire need of money and have no other choice, don't take the risk.

4. Bus Card

Transportation in Singapore is very convenient. You can use cash or transportation cards to take public transportation anywhere. If you use transportation cards to pay for fares, you can also enjoy price discounts. For an average student, it is enough to spend about 100 Singapore dollars per month on transportation. It should be noted that Singapore implements segmented charges for both buses and subways. When students use public transportation cards to take public transportation, they must remember to swipe the transportation card once when getting on and off the bus, or when entering and exiting the subway station.

5. Personal ethics

Singapore is one of the developed countries with the most severe penalties. Even if it seems like a minor act like spitting out gum or smoking indoors, you will be punished by law if you are caught. Or there are some things that students usually don't pay attention to, but in Singapore, they will be severely punished. Every country has its own system. We must pay attention to it before we fully understand it. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and adapt to the habits of Singaporeans as soon as possible.

2. Issues to pay attention to when renting a house while studying in Singapore

1. Regional location

Singapore's land divisions are determined based on postal districts. There are a total of 28 postal districts, which can be divided into the North, West, Central and East. In order to avoid the inconveniences in life caused by crossing postal districts, everyone looks for houses within the postal district where the school is located.

And when making the decision, you must first consider the transportation issue. Whether there are convenient transportation options nearby will directly affect everyone's living expenses. In an area that meets the conditions, look for a house that suits your budget, and the price also needs to be considered.

2. Housing Type

1. Apartment

Generally, apartments are managed by specialized agencies, so it is more convenient for everyone to apply. You can directly log in to the management agency's website, enter the name of your school, and then add filtering criteria such as price and type to make your selection.

The website will fully display the external environment and internal furnishings of the house. You can see basically everything you want to know. If there are blind spots, you can directly consult the staff. After basic confirmation, you can directly pay the deposit and sign the contract after viewing the house.

2. Private House

Generally speaking, it is troublesome to find such a house by yourself, and there is no guarantee. You can screen it through an agent. With a third-party guarantee, you don’t have to worry about being cheated, and they will do almost everything. You just need to nod and confirm.

Of course, everyone should make their own requirements clear, and when viewing the house, ensure that all three parties are present, and any questions that need to be raised and resolved in a timely manner, so that there will be fewer subsequent disputes.

3. Rental Contract

It involves the money you need to spend. In addition to the basic rent, you also need to pay for basic services such as property services, garbage disposal, as well as water, electricity and gas used in life. These two parts are basically paid by everyone.

After finalizing the rental, remember to sign a legal contract with the landlord, and understand every clause clearly to protect your rights, so as to effectively avoid being cheated.

3. Checklist for studying in Singapore

1. Certificates

Before leaving for Singapore to study, you must check whether you have all the necessary documents, such as your valid passport, school admission letter, student pass approval letter issued by the Singapore Immigration Department, and study visa issued by the Singapore Embassy in China. After preparing the materials, put all these important documents in your backpack to facilitate the inspection by customs staff.

2. Cash

For students going to study in Singapore for the first time, they can prepare some extra cash to facilitate transportation, meals, etc. after arriving at the destination; students can exchange RMB and Australian dollars into Singapore dollars in China, and they can also exchange RMB, Hong Kong dollars, and US dollars into Singapore dollars after arriving in Singapore. Basically, every large international airport and shopping mall has a currency exchange place. Although Singapore Customs does not have too strict regulations on the amount of cash that can be carried by inbound travelers, it is not recommended to reserve too much. After all, it is inconvenient and unsafe. Just carry 2 to 3 months of living expenses.

3. Medicines

When studying abroad, it is necessary to prepare some emergency medicines, such as common cold medicines, fever medicines, fire-reducing medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, anti-diarrhea medicines, and cooling oils and floral water to prevent mosquito bites, etc. At the same time, you can also prepare some vitamins, stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets, etc., in case of physical discomfort after arriving in Singapore. If the physical fitness is not very strong, students can prepare more vitamins and nutritional supplements, but it should be noted that Singapore Customs is also very strict in drug inspections. You must pay attention to the drug ingredients. Some drugs contain dangerous ingredients such as ephedrine, which may be checked by customs staff or even confiscated. At the same time, don't bring too many drugs, otherwise the immigration staff may doubt their purpose of studying abroad.

4. Clothing

The climate conditions in Singapore are completely different from those in our country. It can be said that it is summer all year round, and the lowest temperature is over 20 degrees. So you can prepare more summer clothes. The temperature will drop in the rainy season, but it will not be too cold. If students are afraid of the cold, they can also prepare some thin long-sleeved shirts and trousers. In addition, if you are worried about formal occasions, you can also prepare one or two sets of formal suits.

5. Items that are prohibited for study in Singapore

According to the regulations of the Singapore Immigration Department, whether you are entering Singapore as a student or in other capacities, you are not allowed to bring in fresh, dehydrated or canned meat and bean products, because there are concerns that these foods contain microorganisms and bacteria that may affect the life and health of local residents. In addition, you are not allowed to bring in fresh plants, even plant seeds, soil, vegetables and fruits, to avoid mixing them with marijuana and bringing marijuana to Singapore for planting; in addition, live insects or insect specimens, as well as other insects that are harmful to plants, are also prohibited.

Summary of common knowledge about studying abroad in Singapore

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