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Chinese students in American colleges and universities: discriminated or respected?

[caption id="attachment_37166" align="alignnone" width="589"] Exploring Britain: A must-have checklist to help you on your trip to the UK! [/caption] With the globalization…

美国留学纽约和洛杉矶生活费用清单 Life of Chinese students in the United States

List of living expenses in New York and Los Angeles | Cost of living in the United States

Although there are many countries for studying abroad, most people still choose the United States as their main goal. The following are questions about the cost of living in New York and Los Angeles, the cost of living in the United States, the life of Chinese students in the United States, the approximate cost of living in the United States, and how to improve the life of studying in the United States. […

留学美国生活常识解读 Life of Chinese students in the United States

Common knowledge about life in the United States | Cost of living in the United States

Although there are many countries for studying abroad, most people still choose the United States as their main goal. The following are some common sense interpretations of life in the United States, the cost of living in the United States, the life of Chinese students in the United States, the approximate cost of living in the United States, and how to improve life in the United States. [captio…

