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Budget Hotels

2023 Korea Hotel Tips: Services and Prices, Pick the best hotel for your budget!

South Korea is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia, and its food, culture, and scenic spots attract many tourists. Choosing a good hotel is one of the important parts of traveling. Here, I will introduce several of the most popular hotels in South Korea, as well as the daily budget and expenses you need to spend. 1. Four Seasons Hotel…

Japan Travel Tips: Guide to saving money on accommodation! Budget Hotels

Japan travel tips: guide to saving money on accommodation! Master the three main choices of budget hotels, minshuku and youth hostels!

As a popular tourist destination, Japan has many attractive attractions and cultural features. However, compared to other Asian countries, Japan is relatively expensive to visit, with the cost of accommodation being particularly notable. This article will provide you with some practical tips on how to save money on accommodation in Japan and help you find cost-effective...

