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Which way of working while studying in the UK earns more? Can I work in Japan if I study in the UK?

Which way to work while studying in the UK earns more? | Policy on working while studying in the UK

Income: 4.50-7 pounds per hour + tips (some restaurants do not allow tips for part time) Disadvantages: many night shifts, especially physically demanding, need to speak a certain level of Cantonese. Advantages: no need to pay taxes, no NI, can have some opportunities to practice speaking. Notes: (Waiter points are above...

What are the restrictions on studying and working in the UK? Can I work in Japan if I study in the UK?

What are the restrictions on studying and working in the UK? | Policy on studying and working in the UK

The cost of studying in the UK is relatively expensive. Many students want to earn money by working during their study abroad, but it should be noted that the policies for working in different countries are different. Let's take a look at the restrictions on working in the UK with Huiguo VPN. [caption id="attachm…

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